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Ronaldo is still a "show stopper"


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As expected, Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo is still the 'show stopper' of Euro 2024. Whether or not this is what Ronaldo himself expected is not necessarily the case. The Portuguese superstar has 632 million followers on Instagram.

Ronaldo is still a

He is never short of 'endorsement'. Even in Germany, he had a fight with the referee, hitting a water bottle in anger. He also had 12 shots at the post, more than anyone else.

He has not been able to do only one thing. That is, the goal. In the 3-0 win against Turkey, he had a definite goal opportunity. However, he was not selfish. Passed to Bruno Fernandez and he scored. Now he is 39 years old. It is not easy to score a goal in a tournament like the Euro whenever you are faced with an equally excellent defender. Even though Ronaldo has not scored a goal in a big tournament, it has reached 7 games.

It is now that Ronaldo has not scored a goal in the league stage in the last 21 years of international football playing in 5 World Cups and 6 Euros. There is no need to discuss how good a player he is. The question is, when will Portugal win a big title again after getting out of Ronaldo's influence? That is after the 2016 Euro title. Roberto Martinez, the head coach of Portugal, has a different opinion about this. He says, "The way Ronaldo passed to others without scoring himself against Turkey, this should be shown to be taught in any football academy."

Now when talking about Ronaldo, these coaches tend to get into debates. He says, "You can see what Ronaldo has done in the last 12 months." Ronaldo has scored 31 goals in 34 games for Al-Nasr in the Saudi Pro League. He also scored 10 goals in the Euro qualifiers. He finished just behind Romelu Lukaku.

Even before the start of the Euros, Martinez praised Ronaldo, saying that the player tries to get better every day. Perhaps that's why he rested some of his key players in the match against Georgia, but played Ronaldo from the start. This is when Ronaldo lost his place in the team in the last World Cup. It was also heavily criticized. Many openly disliked it.

At that time, he played from the beginning in all the matches of the league stage. However, when the then coach Fernando Santos substituted Ronaldo in the match against South Korea, he walked out cursing. He made a moist mouth. Later, against Switzerland and Morocco, Ronaldo could not play from the beginning. Ronaldo left the field in tears after losing in the quarterfinals. This time at least Martinez will not take the same policy with Ronaldo.

on the other hand is praising him openly. No one doubts Ronaldo's dedication to football. He is still a goal scorer. Now, his goals are coming only against weak opponents. His speed has probably slowed down a bit. Can we see some great things from Ronaldo in the last 16? The question is, isn't Portugal doing itself a disservice by paying more attention to Ronaldo?

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ ०९:०९
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