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२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ८५

One person died after drowning in Kupinde lake

विप्लव महर्जन

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A woman has died after drowning in Kupinde Lake. 32-year-old Kamala Kavar, resident of Marke Ara, Sharda Municipality-8, died on Thursday morning.

One person died after drowning in Kupinde lake

With her parents, Bangad went to worship at the Barah Temple in Kupindetal, Kupinde Municipality-8. Police Inspector Bhawani Prasad Dhamala, Information Officer of District Police Office Salyan, said that Kavar died by drowning while bathing in the lake. When the police arrived, relatives dragged the body and kept it on the bank of the lake, he informed.

According to him, his father Liladhar Budhathoki and mother Khimi Budhathoki, who went with him, immediately rescued him and sent him to the district hospital for treatment. The hospital doctor declared him dead. He said that the incident is being further investigated and the autopsy of the dead woman is being prepared at the Salyan District Hospital.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १०, २०८१ १२:२६
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