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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Provincial government will take charge of big projects: Chief Minister Jamkattel


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Wagmati Province Chief Minister Shalikram Jamkattel has said that small projects will be implemented by the municipality and big projects will be taken over by the provincial government.

Provincial government will take charge of big projects: Chief Minister Jamkattel

On the occasion of the Janmukti Marg-Taldhunga-Sikredovan-Jhurjhure road section project organized at Taldhunga in Khanikhola rural municipality of Kavrepalanchok and the foundation stone laying of the administrative building of Khanikhola rural municipality and the inauguration of the local product buying and selling center which was put into operation from Friday under the management of the municipality, he said that the government is committed to the development of the province.

Chief Minister Jamkattel informed that he will address Taldhunga Corridor and Municipal Basic Hospital in the coming financial year. He said that the main road connecting Taldhunga in Dandapari with Banepa and Dhulikhel will be carried forward by managing the budget for the Taldhunga-Khopasi road from this year.

He said that since the state government has made the master plan of more than 300 roads handed over to the state government, now the work of all those projects will continue.

He said that he is moving forward with yesterday's glorious revolution and the path connected with the Jan Mukti Sena to establish the system brought by the Jan Mukti Sena by risking their lives for change. Chief Minister Jamkattel said that Janmukti Marg has been constructed as a road connecting Madanbhandari Highway from BP Highway through Mahabharat Hills. During this, he opined that since the provincial government will take over all the work of infrastructure development, now the local government should start making plans to advance agricultural production and technical education.

Member of the House of Representatives Suryaman Dong said that the state government is working in coordination with the local level to improve the education sector for the development of Dandapari. Mentioning that the federal government is with us to fulfill the people's desire for development, he urged everyone to come together to provide facilities to the people.

Former Minister of Wagmati State Government and member of State Assembly Tirtha Lama said that unity is necessary for all political parties and citizens to work together in the work of development.

Kanchhalal Jimba, Chairman of Mahabharat Rural Municipality, said that the citizens of Dandapari are getting the facilities of black road and lion palace in their own backyard.

Indra Bahadur Thing, chairman of Khanikhola rural municipality, emphasized that the provincial government budget should be allocated so that the citizens of the area can experience development. He said that he had to face problems after the road network connecting Banepa to Dhulikhel was broken and the road connecting Hetauda was cut by Wagmati river in Sikredovan, from the management of essential consumables that connect with the daily life of the citizens for administrative work.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २५, २०८१ १८:३२
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