कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The head of administration is the hero of corruption

पाठक पत्र

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The news titled "Chief Secretary suspended after the case of the corruption file" is related to the matter of the prosperity dreams of the common people who lived in the hope of the administrator because of the vicious circle of political leadership. Especially Chief Secretary Vaikunth Aryal's administrative trip has shocked everyone. Aryal, who was suddenly made the Chief Secretary three days before retiring from the post of secretary, was bearing the brunt of the fact that he was involved in dozens of corruption cases.

Some time ago, it was revealed that 50 percent of the irregularities and corruption in the country is at the local level. Chief Secretary Aryal's major crimes include payment of 3 times more on excise stickers affixed to liquor bottles, irregularity of more than billion in the purchase of Terramax technology equipment against the law, and corruption in the maintenance of the old billing system of Nepal Telecom.

Likewise, it is not difficult to understand how much the Chief Secretary has been indulging in criminal activities with the fact that the eligibility criteria have been revised to appoint Sunil Paudel as the Managing Director of Nepal Telecom and Vikal Paudel as the Executive Director of Surakshan Printing Center. References such as having suspicious financial transactions with Vikal Paudel and having vouchers in the authority have become a characteristic certificate of Aryal.

However, if we look at why Aryal was made the chief secretary with only three days left to retire, then it can be said that the appointee as well as the big gang are indirectly involved in the crime. It is clear that Aryal was appointed as the Chief Secretary without taking a natural process and an acceptable decision for self-interest. Aryal, who assumed the position by taking such sudden and dramatic decisions, cannot be called the main character of corruption.

This has added a new challenge to the government, which has committed countless crimes since the land case of fake Bhutanese refugee, Lalita Niwas, a year ago. If there is no strict action against those involved in corruption now, the country will be devastated by the epidemic of crime.
– Bhuvneshwar Sharma, Chandragiri-2, Kathmandu

प्रकाशित : असार १२, २०८१ १०:१५
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