Jeep accident in Kalikot: 7 injured

तुलाराम पाण्डे

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7 people were injured when a Bolero jeep accident occurred at Shubhakalika-6 Howdy in Kalikot.

Jeep accident in Kalikot: 7 injured

The information officer of the district police office, Poshan Thapa, said that a jeep numbered 02-001 Ch 0797 of Karnali Province coming from Surkhet to Howdy met with an accident on Thursday morning near the Howdy river in the Dabira road section connecting to Howdy.

Ahez Khagendra Prasad Choulagain of Sukatia health post said that the injured were sent to the district hospital at the headquarters of Manm after first treatment at the local Sukatia health post.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १०, २०८१ १३:३४
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