कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Three community schools of Ichchakamana Rural Municipality are zero in SEE


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The SEE results of three community schools (government) of Ichchakamana, the only rural municipality of Chitwan, have come to zero. 308 students from eight community schools from across the village took the SEE this time.

Three community schools of Ichchakamana Rural Municipality are zero in SEE

Rajendra Bahadur Rokaya, Head of Education Branch of Ichchakamana Rural Municipality informed that only 38 of them passed. 77 people will be able to participate in the grade increase.

Most of the territory of Ichchakamana is a hilly area. The results of two big schools in Bazar area are also not satisfactory. According to the information received from the education branch of the rural municipality, 112 students from Sarvashanti High School of Ichchakamana Rural Municipality-4 Kurintar near the highway, 22 of them passed the SEE. Only two out of 52 people have passed SEE from Triveni Barah High School of Ward No. 4 Muglin.

None of the students who have given SEE from Ichchakamana Rural Municipality-2 Janapriya High School, Ward No. 3 Majhgaon High School and Ward No. 6 Sri High School Dhungre have passed. According to Bhumilal Subedi, the head of Chitwan's education development and coordination unit, a total of 10,832 people from 233 schools in Chitwan gave the SEE this year. Subedi informed that 6 thousand 41 of them have passed away.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ ०९:३८
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