कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ८५

Unsatisfied programs in the budget

None of the budgets brought in the name of women have been able to solve their problems.

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While listening to the budget speech, when the Minister of Finance announced the 'Prime Minister's Daughter Self-Reliance Program' for the daughters of the state and local levels, the 15-year-old daughter asked, 'Mum, has the budget been allocated for daughters this year as well?' I explained. She asked again, 'Does the Prime Minister give a program for daughters now?' I liked the argument and said, 'Yes, there should be a program for Nepali girls'.

Unsatisfied programs in the budget

As everyone knows, such programs are made by honorable people to gain fame. But why are such programs made from the national budget? In this way, if a program with direct names is to be carried out, it should be operated from their personal wealth, not from the national budget. Also, it is positive to announce a gender responsive budget in the next financial year, celebrating women as an investment year.

In spite of this, we are always hearing that violence, exploitation and discrimination against women will be controlled and an environment of equality and respect will be created in all areas. Women in the remote areas of Nepal are trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty. Malnutrition, gender discrimination, domestic violence, child trafficking, child abuse, reproductive health are the same problems. No budget brought in the name of women has been able to solve their problems.

Funds allocated for women entrepreneurship are city-centric. Training and programs related to technical and information technology are very little fixed. Most of the training given to women is still tailoring, beautician, cooking. There is an old mentality that they can do it at home. On the one hand, it is difficult to run a business with short-term training, and on the other hand, women cannot raise the expenses for additional training on their own. After the training makes them only semi-skilled, they stay at home. The government cannot even provide employment to everyone after training.

The Prime Minister's daughter self-reliance program has been introduced by allocating ten crores in the budget. This budget is insufficient for the upliftment of the high population of young women. Similarly, children's attention was also drawn towards another topic of the budget. That is the President's Climate Program. If it is for overall climate change and adaptation, why was the 'President' added? People in responsible positions of the state apparatus should not come up with budget programs that are not acceptable even to children.

Many plans and programs for climate change and adaptation are urgently needed. Climate change is affecting human activities including agriculture, tourism, industry, trade. It is time to gradually change the traditional knowledge, skills and experience that are being operated according to the environment for adaptation.

For climate change and adaptation, a long-term program should be decided after extensive study and research, not narrowly. For that, the state should not introduce a program that is popular, spends a lot of money, but does not bring results like in the past. Research-based achievement planning should be put forward and program implementation, monitoring and evaluation should be closely monitored.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ ०७:१०
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