कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १०८


In the upcoming elections, when a huge alternative front is formed, the door of candidacy will open for the common people who are fed up with the old parties and leadership. And, the upcoming elections will prove to be an iron fist for the corrupt parties who have been in power since 2046.

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When it comes to prosperity, 35 years ago, the economic status of Nepal and Malaysia was almost the same. Nepal was rich in mountains, herbs, water resources etc. But with a dedicated leader like Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia's annual per capita income in 2024 is 14,000 US dollars, about 1,300 US dollars in Nepal.


This situation has come about because the Nepalese have not got a skilled leadership. In order to end this situation, there is a need to start a campaign to bring an alternative party/front to power in the 2084 election by independent voters at home and abroad. For this, the proportional election system, which is burdening the country financially, should be removed. In addition to abolishing the parliamentary structure of the province, the entry of parties in local elections should be banned. Billions of state funds have been spent in these places, which are recruitment centers for twenty thousand workers of big corrupt parties. That amount should be invested in the development infrastructure of the country.

It is necessary to empower the municipality. The policy decisions of the Council of Ministers should be brought under the authority's jurisdiction. A rule should be made to make it mandatory to update movable and immovable assets in the National Identity Card. Cigarettes, paper, cloth, tires, leather, shoes, which were made as gifts by Russia and China, were sold to dozens of factories at the price of kaudi. Millions of jobs are green. He should operate all those factories in cooperative mode within three years after the people voted the alternative party to power. On the basis of

priorities, exports can be promoted, imports substituted, and government or private factories running at half capacity can be made to run at full capacity by removing the legal barriers. Within five years, it seems reasonable to transform the traditional subsistence farming into a cooperative model of 5,000 medium-sized farmers equipped with modern scientific tools. So that the country becomes self-sufficient in food grains, pulses, fish, meat, milk and fruits.

It is necessary to end the distinction between public and private schools in order to end the situation in education. After the year 2046, the opaque wealth and assets of political figures who have gone to political positions for profit and those who are sitting in the permanent government should be nationalized. Common people will support it. In major crimes like the gold scandal, the Bhutanese refugee case, the authorities should investigate from the beginning because they have been washed away with gold.

There should be a dialogue with the common people of India and the Indian government to permanently resolve the border disputes like Kalapani and Susta. Decades ago, it was an unforgivable mistake of the then ruler of Nepal to hand over huge rivers like Koshi, Gandaki, Mahakali to the neighboring countries by keeping their land dry for eternity. Arrangements should be made to draw water from these rivers for the Terai Madhesh and to irrigate them by making canal branches and branches. For this purpose, Nepal should request financial assistance from the state governments of West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and the Delhi government to build tunnels and canals.

For the overall development of the country, the unified, independent and strong role of those people's organizations is indispensable. The state should recognize every single national independent people's organization. The ministerial quarter of Pulchok is shifting to Bhainsepati in the near future. The ministerial quarter of Pulchok should be provided for the operation of the office of the people's organizations that have fulfilled the independent and integrated conditions. A new policy should be made and some essential funds should be provided to those people's organizations for the annual expenses of electricity, water, newspapers, etc. And only those organizations are dynamic and able to contribute to the country.

About a month ago, I had a conversation with Madhav Kumar Nepal, the president of the United Samajwadi Party, regarding the election of an alternative party with a strong majority. It is my request that the matter raised by me should be thoroughly discussed in your party congress.

In the next election, when a huge alternative front is formed, the door of candidacy will be opened for common people who are fed up with the old parties and leadership. And, the upcoming elections will prove to be an iron fist for the corrupt parties who have been in power since 2046. It is too late for common intellectuals and scholars to discuss and debate about this.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ ०७:०८
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