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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९४

Ladder to climb the suspension bridge!

Even though the bridge is built, there is no access road, so travel at risk
दीपेन्द्र बडुवाल

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Bridges are constructed over streams/rivers to facilitate the crossing of passengers. But the suspension bridge built on the Tinau River in Kothimai Rural Municipality-2, Marchawar, Ruppandehi is giving travelers more suffering than relief. The suspension bridge has shortened the journey but it also increases the risk of accidents.

Ladder to climb the suspension bridge!

A bridge built here is like no other. You have to climb the ladder to reach the bridge. A bamboo ladder has been installed to reach the suspension bridge built at a higher place than the road. Passengers reach the bridge by climbing the same ladder and descend through another bridge. The makeshift bamboo ladders on both sides of the bridge are not that safe either. It is becoming difficult for children, senior citizens, disabled and blind people to go up and down the bamboo ladder. The risk of sprained limb or falling from the ladder is the same. As there is no other way to cross the river, the locals are forced to walk through the bridge built near the farm north of the road, even though it is risky.

It has been three years since the suspension bridge construction started. But it's not over yet. The access road has not been constructed on both sides of the bridge that connects wards number 2 and 5 of the rural municipality. Therefore, ladders have been erected on the pillars on both sides of the bridge. Manish Srivastava of Kothimai-2, Bhuvari said that although the construction of the bridge is barely complete, as there is no access road, those who cross the river have to take risks.

He said that due to the bridge not being completed, the students of the school located in Majhgaon from Kothimai-5 are facing problems. He said that children are falling and getting injured while going up and down the stairs. "No one listens to our problems," he said, "The big ones don't come this way, our limbs will be broken, what do others care?" According to him, bicycles and motorcycles are thrown into the river in winter. He said that he was crossing the bridge carrying a bicycle in the rain. "When the construction of the bridge is not completed, there is a lot of pain in the rain," he said. You have to go through the fields to reach the bridge. A mandate was given on 27th January 2077 by forming a consumer committee for the construction of the bridge. Under the constituency program for the construction of the bridge agreed in the year 2077, about 62 lakhs, 10.5 lakh rupees allocated from Kothimai Rural Municipality, the cost of the bridge is 80 lakh rupees. But the construction of the bridge has not been completed even after the deadline has been extended four times, so they are struggling to cross the river.

According to the locals, while traveling through this bridge which connects Kothimai-2, Bhuvari and Beninagar of Ward No. 5, some locals even had their limbs broken. Some are injured. "The bridge is difficult, even the ladder is not easy. Accidents happen when one slips,' asked Soharat Ahir, a 70-year-old local, 'Last week, Harishchandra from Bhuvari broke his leg, how long will we have to suffer like this?' Not everyone can climb the ladder. Those who cannot cross the river.

Santosh Mauryak, who studies in class 12 at a school in Majhgaon, said that classes are missed due to the bridge during rain. "I can't ride a bicycle on the bridge," he said. "The construction was delayed because the consumer committee did not take responsibility," he said.

According to the municipality, the agreement could not be reached because the previous construction consumer committee claimed that it had suffered a loss and took the stand that it should be allowed to work again. Omprakash Chaudhary, the then president of the consumer committee, says that such a situation was created by the short-sighted decision of the rural municipality. Chowdhury claimed that the work was delayed because the non-governmental organization was assigned to monitor the construction of the bridge and as a consultant.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १३, २०८० ०७:३९
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