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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ८१

Complaints of builders about neglecting the construction industry in the budget


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Construction professionals have said that the budget was brought by neglecting the construction industry, which spends 60 percent of the government's capital expenditure. Speaking at the 12th meeting of the Associate Member Coordinating Committee under the Construction Professionals Federation on Saturday, the construction professionals said this.

Complaints of builders about neglecting the construction industry in the budget

They said that the government has been able to come up with a budget to make the construction industry, which has been stagnant for a long time, operational. The businessmen said that they are not in a position to tender for new projects as they have not yet received the amount that the state has to pay to the builders.

Businessmen said that because the government brought the budget by neglecting the construction industry, more frustration was added to the businessmen. Chairman of the Federation of Construction Professionals Ravi Singh complained that the government has not done what it can do for the construction professionals.

He said, 'In the current environment, there are many things that the government cannot do even if it wants to. But the government of Nepal is not able to do what it can do for the construction professionals. Government Finance Minister Varshman Pun has not prioritized the problems of construction workers. At the moment, construction professionals are relaxing. They did not even listen to the builders who said that they should discuss with the builders who are in big trouble and come up with a budget.'

The former president of the Federation of Nepal Construction Professionals, Ramesh Sharma, expressed his displeasure that the government has cut down the tax exemptions that the construction professionals were getting in the past. He said that even though the construction was completed on time, the government did not pay taxes on time because the payment was not made on time.

Former President Sharma said that until last year, the government gave a 50 to 100 percent exemption, but now that it has been canceled, the builders who have 500,000 VAT remaining have to pay 2500,000.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २७, २०८१ १५:१३
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