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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १०८

Two neighbors who have lost their rhythm


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When they reached the last 16 stage of the Euro Championship, title contenders France and contenders Belgium were in the process of measuring the challenge of their easy rivals. However, these two neighbors are facing each other on Monday as soon as the knockout stage begins.

Two neighbors who have lost their rhythm

Both teams are not in rhythm. So both failed to win their group. That's why they met so soon. France's attacking line is praised by everyone, but it is in trouble. Because it has lost confidence. Coach Didier Deschamps himself is in a quandary, what will be his next move.

Belgium will probably be somewhat motivated to do better. Because the supporters are not happy with the performance of the team, so they are protesting loudly. Belgium may be motivated to play better to respond to this opposition. Captain Kevin De Bruyne has not been able to digest the abuse of the supporters and does not consider it healthy. However, he believes that it should be answered. So his teammates will be aiming to do better than the league stage.

It will be a challenge for Romelu Lukaku to catch up to his old form, as he is not scoring the goals of his reputation. This time in the competition, there have been many opportunities in which he has not scored. He has scored 85 goals for Belgium so far. He is the top scorer for his country. None of these goals are possible in the current Euro. The problem with Lukaku is that he can't score in big competitions. This trend continues.

France has a similar situation. France has not been able to score a goal from open-place in three matches of the league stage. One of the two goals in the league stage is in the name of captain Kylian Mbappe. He did this with a penalty. The other goal was an own goal, which was scored by Austria. Another big question facing coach Deschamps needs to be answered. This is, to play Antoine Griezmann in the team or not? If you want to play, will you make Mbappe's partner in attack or not?

Griezmann is a long-time coach for coach Deschamps. But Deschamps did not play him in the league stage tie against Poland. That is why Austria surprisingly won the group in Group D, in which another strong team was the Netherlands. Belgium is France's oldest rival ever. Also the most played team. The first international match between these two countries took place 120 years ago. It ended in a draw.

Belgium is ahead in the 75 matches between these two teams. The team has won 30 matches while France has won 26. But the most important fact is that France has won the last two matches. One of them is the 2018 World Cup semi-final and the 2018 Nations League semi-final. Whichever team wins this match, either Portugal or Slovenia will be on their way.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ ०८:२८
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