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Euro 2024: Romania's impressive win over Ukraine


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Romania scored an impressive 3-0 victory over Ukraine on Monday in their first match of Euro-2024 group 'E'.

Euro 2024: Romania's impressive win over Ukraine

With this victory, Romania has taken the lead in the group that also includes Belgium and Slovakia.

In the 29th minute of the game, Nicolai Stancu gave Romania the lead. In the second half, Romania scored two goals within five minutes. Rajvan Marin scored the second goal in the 53rd minute.

Similarly, Denis Dragus added the third goal in the 57th minute. In the second half most of the game was under the control of Ukraine, but he could not score a goal . This is Romania's first victory in the Euros since 2000.

Romania was undefeated in qualifying.

प्रकाशित : असार ३, २०८१ २०:५४
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