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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Annual policy and program of Gandaki state government passed


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The annual policy and program of the Gandaki province government for the financial year 2081/82 has been passed by a majority.

Annual policy and program of Gandaki state government passed

In the meeting of the State Assembly on Friday, the proposal made by the Chief Minister of the State Government, Surendraraj Pandey, to pass the policy and program was passed by the majority of the Assembly.

Earlier, members of the Provincial Assembly participated in the discussion on policies and programs. In the discussion, the members said that the policies and programs of the government should be implementable.

Emphasizing that the actions of the government should confirm the legitimacy of the province, the members mentioned that the attraction of federalism is the province. Answering the questions raised in the

discussion, Chief Minister Pandey said that he will move forward by absorbing the issues raised in the state assembly. Mentioning that the context of the communication sector has not been left out in the policies and programs, he said that the government has prioritized the communication sector in the current year and it will continue in the coming year as well. Stating that provisions such as

journalist insurance, writing skills, and public welfare advertisements will continue, he also mentioned that the mass media bill, which has been stalled for a long time, has been pushed forward and passed.

Stating that the issue of international flights from Pokhara International Airport is not only a matter of the state, the country, but also an international issue, he said that there should be international flights here. Stating that not only the state but also the federal government should want this, he said that the government of the destination should also want it. Initiatives are being taken in this regard and discussions are being held on direct air flights from Pokhara to Bangladesh only this morning.

Stating that there are different perspectives on socialism, he mentioned that it also varies according to time and place. Speaker Krishna Prasad Dhital informed that the next meeting of the state assembly will be held on Saturday at 4 pm.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ३२, २०८१ १९:१४
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