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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ११२

Death of an injured tiger in a fight with a tiger

नारायण शर्मा

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The tiger, which was injured in a fight with the tiger, died on Wednesday evening. A tiger was found dead on the banks of Binayi River on Wednesday evening. During the postmortem of that tiger, it was revealed that it died due to injuries and unhealed wounds after encountering another tiger.

Death of an injured tiger in a fight with a tiger

According to Shishir Lamsal, officer of the Division Forest Office, the post-mortem conducted by the medical team of Chitwan Nikunj on Thursday revealed that he was injured in a tiger-tiger encounter and died due to the wounds not healing.

The team of Bijay Kumar Shrestha, senior doctor of Chitwan Rashtriya Nikunj, conducted the post-mortem on Thursday. In the postmortem report, it is mentioned that he died due to two tigers falling and injuries on his back that did not heal. It is said that tigers fight during intercourse with females.

'Every tiger has a boundary circle within the forest. If another tiger enters it or during intercourse with a female tiger, the tigers fight. At that time, a wound was seen on the injured tiger's back and it seems that it has not healed and died,' quoting the doctor One Officer Lamsal said.

On Wednesday evening, after seeing Binayi walking along the banks of the river, the locals took a video of it. That video has gone viral on social media. There was a wound on the back of the dead tiger that had been attacked by another tiger.

A tiger heals by licking its wounds. The doctor says that the wound on the back of the dead tiger died due to the fact that it was in an unlickable place. During the last one year, 3 tigers have also died in East Nawalparasi.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १०, २०८१ १५:०२
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