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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Prime Minister in Chitwan to plant paddy on June 15


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Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal is participating in two programs of the 21st National Rice Day to be held in Chitwan on Saturday, June 15.

Prime Minister in Chitwan to plant paddy on June 15

The 21st National Paddy Day and Planting Festival parent committee chaired by the Director General of the Agriculture Department of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development is organizing the Paddy Day program at Bachhuli. Senior Agriculture Officer Mahesh Regmi said in a press conference organized by the Prime Minister's Agriculture Modernization Project, Project Implementation Unit, Bharatpur, that there is a program to plant paddy by machine in the program to be held under the guise of Bachhuli Sauraha Bus Park, Ratnanagar Municipality-6 Bachhuli Multipurpose Farmers Group. On that occasion, he said that he will plant rice in one hectare by machine.

The theme of this year's Paddy Day is 'Climate Friendly Agriculture, Increase in Paddy Production'. Director General of Agriculture Department Narahari Prasad Ghimire said that climate change has also affected rice cultivation. According to him, the trend of rainfall has changed. Sometimes it rains quickly and sometimes slowly. Sometimes it rains a little and sometimes it rains a lot, the problem of drought and flooding has increased. When the paddy is ready to harvest, it rains continuously and brings problems.

For this, the weather forecast should be made effective and accurate. And, we are developing the process of getting the information to the farmers. Due to this, the farmers will make a schedule for cultivation and care," said Director General Ghimire. On the other hand, he said, two varieties of rice that tolerate flooding and six varieties of drought-tolerant rice have also been developed. He said that if farming is mechanized, production will increase and costs will decrease.

After Prime Minister Dahal Bachhouli's program, he will also participate in the Paddy Day program to be held in Bharatpur. Prime Minister Dahal is also the Chief Guest of Paddy Day and Planting Festival held at Annapurna Dairy Cooperative Keshar Bagh in Bharatpur Metropolitan City-6. To participate in the program, the office of Bharatpur Municipal Corporation has issued a notice.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १८:२६
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