कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The flood broke the embankment of Lakhandehi bay, drowning dozens of houses


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After heavy rains, the flood in the Lakhandehi river in Sarlahi broke the embankment, causing flooding in Kaudena rural municipality-7 Shivnagar and Malangwa municipality-5 Bhandsar village.

The flood broke the embankment of Lakhandehi bay, drowning dozens of houses

When the flood entered the village, dozens of houses were flooded. Due to heavy rains, the development without drainage in some places has led to flooding.

Friday morning there was heavy rain in Pattharkot in Chure . After heavy rains, the water level in the Lakhandehi river flowing through Patharkot has increased and there has been a flood. Kaudena rural municipality-7 near Shivnagar, after the Lakhandehi river broke the dam, the flood entered the village . When the flood entered the village, more than 35 houses were flooded in Shivnagar and hundreds of houses were at risk, informed the ward president Vijay Yadav.

He said that efforts are being made to rescue those whose houses were flooded. On the other hand, Malangwa Municipality-5 Bhandsar has also been flooded due to the collapse of the dam. There are 25 houses flooded and flooded.

Coordinator of Disaster Management Committee and Chief District Officer Gopal Kumar Adhikari informed that the dam of Lakhandehi River located in Kaudena Rural Municipality-7 was destroyed by flood. He said that when the dam collapsed, 35 houses were flooded in Shivnagar in Kauden and 25 houses in Bhandsar in Malangwa.

Now a team of security officers has reached the scene. "The Lakhandehi river broke the dam and entered Bhandsar and Shivnagar slums. The houses here are flooded, but the water level is decreasing," he said. According to the official, there was no loss of property.

Due to heavy rains, the flow of water on the east-west highway had increased . Due to the water, the highway was also blocked for a while. Passengers have to suffer a lot when the water freezes on the highway. On the other hand, in Bagmati-12 Kaziram toll, after the construction of the railway track, there is no drainage and it has become flooded.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ २०:१२
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