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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Indian national arrested with undisclosed cash

शंकर आचार्य

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Police arrested an Indian involved in hundi business with 500,000 in cash. The arrested person is 32-year-old Sitaram Prasad Kushwaha of Vetiya village, Einruwa market, West Champaran district, Bihar, India.

Indian national arrested with undisclosed cash

Based on a special information, the police team deployed from the District Police Office Parsa arrested Kushwaha along with cash at Jagarnathpur rural municipality-5 Masiani road section at around 1.30 pm on Thursday afternoon.

Madhesh Pradesh 03-026 P 5592 when Kushwaha riding a motorcycle was stopped and searched, hidden inside the right carburetor of the motorcycle he was driving, undisclosed source Nepali 1000 notes, 500 notes, 500 notes, 100 notes, a total of 5 50,000 rupees were recovered.

Parsa police spokesperson DSP Deepak Bharti informed that Kushwaha was taken into custody and further investigation is being done against him for the offense against Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 2073.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १४:५९
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