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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Minister from Dalit community for the first time in Madhesh government

सन्तोष सिंह

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After going to the state structure, two governments were formed in Madhesh in the last seven years. The cabinet of both governments led by Jaspa Nepal was reshuffled several times, but no one from the Dalit community got a chance to become a minister. In the new cabinet led by Satish Singh, which was formed on Friday, MPs from Suramai Dalit community also got the opportunity to become ministers.

Minister from Dalit community for the first time in Madhesh government

For the first time in the government of Madhesh state, the Janmat Party from the Dalit community Saptariki Proportional State Assembly Member Ranjukumari Khangalai has become the Minister of State.

The Janmat Party, which is participating in the Jaspa-led government, recommended that Khang be made a minister from the Dalit community. However, JSP Chief Minister Saroj Kumar Yadav did not administer the oath to Khang, said Janamat Party Secretary BP Sah. 7 people in the first provincial assembly He belonged to the Dalit community. No one got the opportunity to be a minister. Jaspa MP Chameli Devi Dasko Although her name came into discussion, she could not become a minister. This time Now there are 8 Dalit MPs in the state assembly. Janmat Party has done well by giving a Dalit position as the Minister of State, former MP of Jaspa. Das said .

'Although almost 18 percent of the population in Madhesh province, there were no ministers from the Dalit community,' Secretary Shah said, 'Our party has made a historic decision. By making Dalits participate in the government, we have accepted the main demand of the Madhesh movement for inclusiveness. Talking to Kantipur, she said that when she became a minister for the first time, she had a big responsibility from her community.

'My party Janmat Party works in favor of all Madhesi. It has respected the participation and inclusiveness of all, not in favor of any one caste,' said Minister of State Khang, 'I will work according to my ability . Now it seems that Dalits can also rule. No one can suppress us now.' Rajyantri Khang expressed her anger at the boycott of Dalits by the political parties that were established in the Madhesh movement, and said, 'I have repeatedly asked the former Chief Minister of Jaspa, Saroj Yadav, but he did not do it.'

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २५, २०८१ १७:३७
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