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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६७

The municipality sent Furdiku to Kathmandu for rescue and treatment

डम्बरसिं राई

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29-year-old Furdiku Sherpa of Diktel Rupakot Mazhuwagadhi Municipality-13 Nunthala Gari, who was locked in a cage due to lack of funds, has been rescued. Her Diktel, who lost her mental balance, was rescued by Rupakot Majhuwagadhi Municipality and taken to Kathmandu for treatment.

The municipality sent Furdiku to Kathmandu for rescue and treatment

After losing her mental balance since January 3rd, she was locked in a cage since January 16th. His 65-year-old father, Pemakshetar Sherpa, said that he would attack, abuse, and leave the house as soon as he saw people, so he had to be locked in a cage. Father Pemakshetar has expressed his happiness after the municipality will treat his daughter. Pemakshettar says that he is happy that the municipality will arrange the vehicle and also bear the medical expenses.

Head of Diktel Rupakot Mazhuwagadhi Municipality Tirtharaj Bhattarai said that after the news that he was locked in a cage, the municipality rescued him and arranged for treatment. "The treatment will be done at a mental hospital in Lagankhel in coordination with the National Women's Commission," he said, "The hospital has said that it will be done free of charge, even if expenses are incurred, the municipality will take initiatives for the necessary expenses." . According to Pemakshetra, he was affected by this disease while preparing for the SLC examination. "The same thing happened during the Corona epidemic, at that time he was taken to Patan Hospital and after 45 days of treatment, he was cured," he said, "but now there is no money for treatment, the entire land for his treatment was put in the agricultural bank and spent heaps, it did not work." story- break Furdiku was imprisoned in a cage. She used to eat, have lunch, defecate all in the cage. Furdiku was singing all day long. Among Pemakshetar's two brothers and three sisters, she is the eldest daughter of the family.

Furdiku's 62-year-old mother, Nimle Sherpa, said that Betha Baljhe died about three and a half years after her husband passed away. Dajang Sherpasag from Chinamkhu of Bhojpur Temkemayu village was married in 2072. Nimle told that her husband passed away while undergoing treatment for heart disease and Furdiku's disease worsened as soon as she was a year old. Furdiku has a 6-year-old son. He is studying in Class 3 at Janakalyan Pravi in ​​Hurlung.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १४, २०८० १३:२८
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