कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५४

The former president's aspiration to be active in politics

पाठक पत्र

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In the Thursday issue of Kantipur, former President Bidya Devi Bhandari's opinion was understood. Most of his views appeared balanced and timely.

He says that he will not sit at the door as there are still a lot of national and international agendas left. With this idea, it seems that he wants to be active in politics again. His age and experience will not prevent him from being active in politics, nor will the law prevent him. However, some thinkers say that after becoming the first person of the country, it is not a good thing to sit in a position below that, so it is appropriate for him to leave politics and engage in social service only. It is something that the former president should think for himself rather than what others say. Bhandari is not a strict and do-it-yourself person like UML President KP Sharma Oli, but he is friendly and brings everyone together. His re-entry into politics will have a positive impact on UML and Left unity. In the interview, his opinion that both the big parties should be able to fight on their own and that the rise of Maoist is to weaken UML, it seems that Maoist is supported by others, can be a matter of debate. Although we can agree with most of what the former president said, we cannot agree that the dissolution of parliament is a matter of the prime minister's right. Our laws and constitution also do not allow easy dissolution. Certainly, in a country with a parliamentary system, the Prime Minister has a special right to dissolve the Parliament to control the Parliament and the MPs. But in our country, in order to prevent the Prime Minister from bringing great instability to the country by dissolving the Parliament at will, there is a provision in the constitution that the Prime Minister cannot dissolve the Parliament as long as there is a unanimous option.

Gopal Devkota , Gokarneshwar, Kathmandu

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ ०६:२१
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