कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५४

SEE Result: Let's not scold, let's not be sad

पाठक पत्र

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No matter how good the seeds are sown, no matter how good the fertilizer is, there must be enough sunlight to get a good harvest. Studying is like farming.

SEE Result: Let's not scold, let's not be sad

The famous educationist Gijuvhai says, "If the mother cannot correct the child at home, the teacher cannot correct the child in the school." But again there is a saying that "student failure means teacher failure". In any case, no matter how much the teacher understands teaching principles, learning rules, learning formulas and teaching learning methods and uses them in the classroom during teaching learning activities, learning cannot be successful unless students are ready to learn. Yes, no one can eat without feeling hungry.

First the teacher should have taught. Nowadays teachers have to motivate students to learn. The hunger for knowledge should be instilled in them. Problems that arise during learning should be facilitated. Learning is done by the student himself. That's why nowadays it is called 'facilitating teaching and learning activities' instead of 'teaching'/'teaching'. Why is it appropriate to say that when a teacher is participating in teaching and learning activities among students, he is not only teaching the students, but he is also learning. Thus, nowadays the teacher is a co-learner.

Nowadays, learning or acquiring knowledge has become very easy, accessible and cheap. In today's world with the extreme development of information technology, whatever you are looking for can be found immediately. But not all students have been able to make use of it. Their time has started to be spent on 'entertainment' rather than on 'urgent' and 'important' things to know/learn. Even if the parents tell the school about it, the only advice the teacher can give to the student is advice and suggestions. Learner's personal interests and abilities are also responsible for
learning. 32 symptoms and 64 arts are mentioned in our scriptures. One person does not have all traits and all arts. There are only two. This is why some students specialize in what they learn by working hard on their own. Students who show their talent in dancing, sports, music belong to this group.

In conclusion, there are many factors that influence student learning. The teacher alone is not responsible for this. Likewise, just reading books and getting a high GPA and passing the exam is not a big deal. A timed written test cannot identify the overall talent of a student. It is a good thing to understand life in time and continuously use the talents and abilities inherent in oneself. Therefore, there is no reason to blame the teachers, nor should the failed students be upset over the recently published SEE results.
Indrakumar Shrestha , Wagishwari Mavi Chayhmasingh, Bhaktapur

There has been news that 52 percent of students have failed in SEE. It's not the student's failure, it's the government's failure. If a student fails in a government school, the government is responsible for it. Most of the students who fail now are from government schools. Whose fault is it? School teachers or the government? Many students pass in private schools that teach with a salary of 10-20 thousand, why most of the students in government schools that send a salary of 40-45 thousand fail? The government has spent millions on education, for what? It is necessary to examine the teacher rather than the student. Education should be strong to make the country strong. Our problem is in education. Education has become commercialized. There is a situation where education cannot be done in government schools and private schools cannot be taught. When will it be regulated? It is not known that the issue of education was discussed in the parliament. Most of the government school teachers do not have time to play politics. To improve government schools, government employees, leaders, high-ranking people and the parents of the teachers who teach there had to be taught in government schools and only then will improvements be made.
Purushottam Ghimire , Jorpati, Kathmandu

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ ०६:२०
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