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In the film, the story told by the mother

In all the movies of Pisces, there are stories told and taught by mothers, the stories of mothers. Meen says - The qualities taught by my mother are the subject of my movies.
दीपक सापकोटा

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The memory of mother and Bhamvada overwhelms Meen Bham with the memory and sleepiness of a tamas. The village of Mugu-Bhamwada where Pisces was born is the same, only the seasons, rural stories and people have changed. Many youths left the village and flew away, just as birds used to fly to and from his village. His mother, his father, and his friends have gone on a journey of never returning.

In the film, the story told by the mother

But to give coolness, the old walnut tree standing at the side of the yard is being pruned. Pisces thinks - these are the witnesses of my mother's life and struggles. The meditative blue hills from the village to the far side, the walnut tree standing in the courtyard and the boy who keeps writing poetry on the shore and flowing it in the river! Remembering everything, Pisces sees its own shadow. In the film 'Basulli', which is a story of a girl's love journey made by Pisces, there is a boy who writes poetry and floats it in the river, that is him.


There was an uproar in the mind with Meen Bham - to understand the scene of the time when mother lived and its reflection. So looking for the story of his mother's life, Meen reached his village Mugu-Bhamwada shortly after his death. Mother's friends and relatives met. He wanted to dwell on the days of his mother's life. I wanted to listen to my mother's story. Like his mother's vices, fights, transactions, Tita-Amila relationship story.

'After reaching the village, I found out that my mother is gossiping a lot about me,' Meen remembered the villagers saying, 'My son is making a film and he is telling his friends and relatives. My mother is proud that I am a filmmaker. Meen Bham's mother Ratnamaya Bham passed away in July 2070. Many seasons passed after mother passed away. However, there is one regret in Meen, that is, he did not get to show his own film to his mother. He who did not cry when giving candles to his mother cried when his mother's friends told him the story.

He never showed his film to his mother. Why? What was in my mind like shock and shame. I also thought of showing the story of my own village, which my mother had seen,' says Meen and he is overcome with memories of one night in Kathmandu. One night when he was sick and came to Kathmandu, Ratnamaya held Meen's hand deeply and said, 'Listen, I saw the film you made, your brother showed it to me. You have made it well.' He has watched Meen's first film 'Baasulli'. Even now, Pisces keeps thinking - I have to show it to my mother.


Meen made headlines a while ago. In 2024, the main competition of the world famous Berlin Film Festival was the film 'Shambala', which he directed, in the Golden Wear. Meen's 'Basulli' also went to Venice for the first time from Nepal and another film 'Kalo Pothi' won an award in Venice. The compassion and love-journey in the film of this filmmaker is seen in the colors of people's slow life, restlessness and despair. Saying 'There is sorrow in the world', he joins a serious discussion on the lives and experiences of people in the high mountain areas of Nepal.

A Himalayan woman living in a different way of life and customs is looking for a husband in ups and downs in 'Shambala'. And, during the conflict, the two children who went on a long journey on horseback to look for the female chicks, after seeing the snoring female, are drenched in their mother's love and wander freely in the "black female". The Nepali-foreign society is fascinated by Meen's film. That story continued to stir the society for a long time. Meenka's film, which reflects clear directorial craft, has an extraordinary visual-story, inspired by her mother.


As Meen grew up, he realized that the mornings, days and twilights that his mother lived in the village life were very difficult - work, work and only work.

Meen's mother Ratnamaya Bham was a Namud an Amchi (village doctor) from Bhamwada. She used to grind herbs, make powder, and dry them to make medicine. Meen's mother learned her mother-in-law's work, thinking that her children should not die prematurely. He knew - what herbs to give for diarrhoea? What to give for heartburn? What to put on a burn? What about the cut? Which flower to make juice? What medicine is made from the bark of which tree?

If the children were sick, the villagers used to hang out in Meen's yard to take medicine. Ratnamaya's job was to go to the forest, bring herbs and flowers, crush them and dry them in the sun. Ratnamaya was the 'super hero of the village' in the language of Pisces. The mothers of the village respected him immensely as a 'local doctor' and praised him for his skills. They used to say that being a mother is like a gem!

Ratnamaya had 8 children - 4 sons, 4 daughters. She raised him diligently. He had only one thing to be proud of - none of my eight children have any moles on their bodies. Especially village mothers were busy in farming. It was a common occurrence for her children to fall and get injured, burned by fire, and fall from the roof. It was great to protect the children. Diarrhea, malaria, children were on their way to heaven when they were young. "Thinking that 5 or 6 children will die, the mother gave birth to 8 children," says Meen.

Meen's film 'Shambala' also has some mother-in-law inspired scenes dedicated to mother. "So that that knowledge does not disappear, originality is not lost, I have also taught the knowledge of mother's medicine to my sisters, and I have told them to preserve it," says Meen. In all the movies of Pisces, the mother told-taught There are

stories, mothers' stories. They say, 'The qualities taught by my mother are the subjects of my movies.' His mother used to sing Mangal while looking at the blush of the evening spread over the peaches, apples and walnuts in the yard. As the night grew darker, the 'H...' of Mangal, sung by the mother, could be heard more and more loudly. Mangal is sung in Mugu, when a son or daughter is born, or when a bride is brought in, or when a person passes away, or during death rites. Meen's mother also used to sing Mangal in Bhamwada. That time when Ratnamaya chanted mantras of Mangal for the whole night is fresh in Meen's memory. Mangal sounded as if the lamas were reciting mantras. I can't record the mangal my mother recites, it's exhausting,' says Meen.

How has Meen used the melody of the mother, the nostalgia of the village in the film, in his film 'Basulli', when a young woman enters the house after getting married, the Mangal mantra is sung there - ha ha! In his second feature film 'Kaalo Pothi', Meen has also used Mangal - in the second dreams sequence of a child. I use my mother's memory in my films. That's why it seems like the real mother lives in the scenes of my films,' these words of Meen, who was speaking in a calm manner while looking at the morning sun in the Shechen Buddhist monastery, sounded like a mantra.


Meen's father Jung Bahadur Bham is Mugu's first SLC pass. He was the head of Nepal Telecom's office in Mugu. He also worked in the National News Committee. 'Radio Nepal', 'Gorkhapatra' or 'Nepal Television', wherever the news was to be sent, he used to send it. He was also the first photographer in Mugu, he opened the first photo studio in that area. Jung Bahadur opened the first Hivision Hall in Mugu. He used to show films to the villagers at home. After the Maoist conflict, that Hivision Hall was closed.

Jung Bahadur was in Mugu-Gamgarhi. Suddenly he was transferred, to Jumla. A Member of Parliament who won the 2048 election from Mugu transferred him within 24 hours on charges of 'prejudicing the election and not providing timely information'. After Jang Bahadur's Jumla transfer, Meen became very close to his mother. And, knowing - what is the mother's sorrow?

Meen's mother had big dreams about her children's education. She used to say that children should study at least a degree. On top of that, the father used to say - don't give a portion to a son who doesn't pass Masters.

Ratnamaya was 13 years old when she got married, while Jung Bahadur was 14 years old. That was Jung Bahadur's 9th marriage! Since he was very young, he would get married in a month or two! Bringing other people's brides and leaving them, drinking alcohol and being a badass! After all the wives went their separate ways, his heart was fixed on Ratnamaya. After marrying her, Jung Bahadur stopped hunting, stopped chasing girls, became a complete vegetarian. To some extent, he had the nature not to let a drunken person be near him. Ratnamaya's love proved to be a gem for him.

Ratnamaya's nature, love and affection, Rawaf was noble, says Meen. Palpali was always in Dhaka, Moto Tilhari. He is the leader of forest committee, school committee. Baje Tej Bahadur Bham of Meen's maternal uncle was a RPPA MP during the panchayat period, while Meen's father, Jung Bahadur, who is from the Congress background, was the headman of Khalak village. Because of politics, her mother never got to celebrate Tihar with her siblings. But, the mother was a house fox, a tiger of the forest. The grief at home was different. There was always tension in the house without a father,' says Meen.

Ratnamaya was always worried about not growing enough grain. So she put her children in farming - thinking that she would not have to deal with hunger. "Even if it rained heavily, we had to go to the fields wearing clothes, but the rest of the village stayed at home with fire," says Meen.

Once someone in the know told Ratnamaya – Pisces's brother eats Baama and by having a match with Jogi, the Graha Dasha is erased. And it was said about Pisces - it either marries 9 times or becomes a hermit and leaves the house, get married to a puppet to calm the planets. Ratnamaya looked for a Pandit, arranged her son's marriage with a priest from Sinja. At that time, while looking at Jokhana, the Pandit told him - you may die prematurely even before reaching 70. Then Ratnamaya became very worried - I will die, who will take care of my children? How will their studies be?

Ever since Pandit told her mother, 'Akal mrity ko hai', Meen started seeing death all the time in her dreams. It became an ever-recurring dream. That Pandit taught me at a young age that people must die. Then yes – I started to understand life, with my mother's changed lifestyle,” says Meen. There was a rumor in the village – Jung Bahadur will not return from Jumla to Bhamwara until he retires. After that worry, she went to the market to sell walnuts the very next day in the rain of July to improve the economic situation of the house. She started saving money diligently, thinking 'I have to work hard, I have to save money for my children'. After Pandit's announcement, I was always following her, worrying about when my mother would die. In my cinema, Ubela's mother's state of mind is very important,' says Meen.


Meen escaped to Kathmandu in 2056 after SLC. Sent a letter home, 'Don't worry about me, I am studying.' He joined Saraswati Campus, studied Political Science. At the same time, he learned acting at the National Theater. Oscar later enrolled in college to study film. At the same time, he made 'Basulli'. Mother said - come back home. After reaching home, she cried and said - do whatever you want, but stay in touch with home. But the fish ran away again. Again the mother cried and said - how much you are bothering me!

Now Meen feels that I have hurt my mother a lot!

While Meen was struggling in Kathmandu, his mother suddenly fell ill and came to Kathmandu to check on him. After the treatment, Meen went to the airport to drop off his mother. Meen had a habit of smoking, he left his mother in the waiting room and went out to smoke. On the way back, the mother had already boarded the ship. Meen shuddered – I couldn't even say go to my mother at last. What are my desires?

reached Nepalgunj from Kathmandu. Ratnamaya also built a house in Nepalgunj with her own money.

A week later, she met with a road accident before reaching Nepalgunj airport to go to Bhamwara. A bus hit the motorcycle driven by the eldest daughter's grandson. The grandson died instantly, she was seriously injured. He was taken to a hospital in Lucknow. None of the airlines agreed to bring him to Kathmandu for treatment. Meen and his brother spent 47 days in hospital in Lucknow under treatment.

Ratnamaya was discharged. Brought to Nepalgunj - in an ambulance. He was not informed of the death of his grandson, nor was he told that his daughter-in-law had passed away. But, on the way, she keeps on shouting terribly – Grandson and Phupoo are calling me. "You hurt me badly. He said close the window. Covered with a shawl even in that scorching heat, Meen remembers, "Mother kept talking - she pulled me with her foot, Close the window, she is calling from the window."

After reaching home, she had dinner. What suggestions did she give to everyone. She said to Meen, "Don't take part." Don't say anything to your brother about the share, give this house to your brother, you will get a lot of money. If I earn money, I will help the school, destroy the old monastery.' Then Ratnamaya closed her eyes forever, the doctor declared her death at Nepalgunj hospital.

Photo: Angad Dhakal/Kantipur

After the death of his mother, Meen did not sleep for many nights. The dreams of the soul's existence kept repeating. The scene used to be like this – Somewhere, mother and him were talking, arguing about baja. Someone was walking behind the corpse playing a loud instrument. Pisces used to say - Why did you play the instrument? The falcon gives stress to the dead body, the soul has not left the body, so the soul must be let go peacefully. But, mother used to say - it is okay to play it.

In the village of Meen, it is customary to carry the corpse to the ghat to be cremated. In memory he made in a dream on the days of Kovid in Cowbala 'when he made a' Satbala 'in Kvd and the story of the' Sambala '. I used to debate the dream: This is not the story you are writing. Then how changed it in detention. Misce says, 'Dreams were fighting in the dream and teaching a sweet lesson. My many inquiries with Mambala Mom's mother is the failed film of me in many curiosity. '& Nbsp;


is now with Pisseh in Missing Misleaded father, the projector of the past. After reading a growing teaching in the village, Ratanaya also read the 'Ramania', 'Mahavory'. Shelok appears to be instrumental in the brain. Mines from time to time - who am I? Answer yourself - I'm a creation of my mother. Says, 'Mom and I have a relationship, not a era, not a yoga.'

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ४, २०८१ ११:३२
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