कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५४

The dispute between the department and the metropolis is on the street

To reveal the identity of the roads in their area, the road division started writing on electricity and telecommunication poles.

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With the road department blocking the expansion of the footpath that Kathmandu Metropolis wanted to do on New Road, the dispute over road ownership has now started to appear on the streets of Kathmandu. Because of this, the road department has started writing 'S.V.'

The dispute between the department and the metropolis is on the street

472 km of roads of strategic importance within Kathmandu district are under the jurisdiction of Road Division Office, Kathmandu. Out of that, 148 kilometers of roads are within the Kathmandu Metropolitan City. Out of 148 kilometers of roads, the roads above 8 meters are under the Road Division Office, Kathmandu, the department claims. Ramhari Pokharel, Director General of the Road Division, said that the Road Division Office Kathmandu has started writing 'S.V' on the poles to show its ownership.

Not only on the road poles within the Kathmandu Metropolitan City but also on the roadside poles of the entire valley under his jurisdiction, Pramod Khatiwada, the information officer of the Road Division Office, Kathmandu, says. We have written not only within the Kathmandu Metropolitan City, but throughout the Kathmandu Valley. S.V. means road department," he said. He claims that after the department establishes its ownership by writing the name on the roadside pole, the department will take over the junks coming on the road in the next few days. In this way, he said that although the plan was made last November to mention the identity on the roadside poles to inform the general public and concerned bodies about which roads are under his authority, the implementation has only come now.

After the Kathmandu Metropolitan City demolished the road to widen the footpath in New Road, the dispute between the Road Department and the Metropolitan City flared up. Metropolitan Mayor Balendra Shah (Balen) also accused the common people of blaming the metropolis when the roads department did not maintain the roads under him on time. At the same time, Mayor Shah of Kathmandu Metropolitan City took dust in front of the road department to express his anger. On the grounds that the road division had demolished the road within its jurisdiction, the city had postponed the demolished road overnight. This dispute has now reached the Patan High Court.

When the Kalanki-Maharajganj ring road improvement work was not completed and the road was stuck, the Metropolitan Corporation had put up notice boards in places saying that the road in the area was not under its jurisdiction. Later, after issuing a public notice, the board was removed by the road department, and the metropolis filed a complaint with the police saying that the notice board was missing. On the other hand, before the metropolis, the road division has to identify the roads within its area. Started writing. The road division thus S.V. Permission has not been taken from Electricity Authority or Nepal Telecom to write. The Kathmandu Metropolitan City has objected to the fact that the road department has written 'S.V' on the roadside pole.

Kathmandu Metropolitan City's spokesperson Naveen Manandhar argues that the road division's action against the road ownership dispute is not correct without a hearing in the petition filed by the Kathmandu Metropolitan City in the Patan High Court. There was no immediate consideration of the matter done by the road division. Because the case is pending in the court, he said, the way the road division is trying to write on the pole and say this is my road is not justified. All the structures within the metropolitan city belong to the government of Nepal. "It is not appropriate to say that all the roads above eight meters belong to me," he said. Not only this, Manandhar says that it is also the responsibility of the metropolis to maintain the chaotic structures within the metropolis.

The road division is showing its ownership on the road by writing on poles, and the Ministry of Physical, Infrastructure and Transport is also supporting it. Sushilbabu Dhakal, spokesperson of the ministry, says that the writing in the polls is good. He argues that since there are many types of roads within the metropolis, such an action is appropriate to identify the roads under his authority. Nepal Electricity Authority has not raised any objection on this matter. The department has not taken permission to write names in the poll. As of writing, the electric pole does not belong to the road department. "There is nothing to be alarmed about," Chandrakumar Ghosh, spokesperson of the authority, said, "We don't think there is a need to react to it now."

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ ०७:०६
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