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२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

"Vegetable Festival" in Tansen!

माधव अर्याल

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In Tansen Municipality-3, Holangadi, a 'Vegetable Jatra' has been organized to encourage happy farmers and facilitate sales and distribution after the technology wholesale market has been put into operation.

A wholesale market as well as a hot market was operated in Tansen Holangdi to sell the vegetables of the farmers of Palpa as well as neighboring districts. But due to problems in the operation, ``Tarkari Jatra'' was taken out for publicity. Milansara Women's Cooperative located in Tansen Municipality-13, Baughagumha was expected to facilitate sales after putting Milansara Agricultural Produce Wholesale Market Center and Vegetable Processing Machine into operation.

To promote it, young people have been shown wearing clothes of different types of vegetables in different parts of the body in Tansen Bazar. Kamala Bhandari, president of the organization, said that a new style has been adopted to inform consumers about fresh and clean vegetables while promoting the vegetable wholesale market. She said that it was promoted in the market by wearing different types of vegetables from head to toe.

Tansen's bus park Tundikhel, Bhimsentol, Narayansthan, Asantol Sheetalpati, Makhantol Hulakchok, Silkhantol and till the big market, the vegetable festival was performed, said Nrip Pariyar, program officer of Rural Economic Development Association Reda. He said that the Jatra was performed by wearing vegetables such as potato, garlic, onion, tomato, vinti, bitter gourd, gourd, cabbage, eggplant, beans, bodi and parval. The organization has been trading 10 tons of vegetables daily.

Palpa's vegetables reach the Butwal market, from the same place, mixed with various Indian pesticides, the market income of Tansen is 50 percent more expensive from the traders to the consumers It has been done . "We want to consume the vegetables directly in Palpa," he said.

He said that vegetables produced by farmers are cleaned and delivered to consumers' homes through ozone technology. According to Sanjit Kunwar, manager of the vegetable processing center, there is a problem in Tansen because he is not used to eating vegetables from Palpa. Tansen Municipality, Lumbini State Government, Heffer International and Reda Palpa have been supporting for the operation of friendly vegetable wholesale market. There is a washing machine for agricultural materials in the institution. It is made with technology so that it can be washed with a daily capacity of 6 tons. Wholesale and retail sales of vegetables are also available here. The wholesale market center also has a 16 ton capacity moisture storage. The cooperative has operated a wholesale market center by fulfilling certain criteria.

35 Ropani A wholesale market center has been constructed on public open land. Manager and leading farmer Sumitra Rana said that the goal of the cooperative is to earn 164.9 million by selling 94 lakh 71 thousand kg of vegetables annually from the wholesale market center. Rana, the manager of the cooperative, said that the cooperative has been working on sale of live weight cattle, sale of seed goats and cows for breed improvement, sale of chemical fertilizers, operation of milk dairy, wholesale market, animal insurance, sale of improved animal feed, transportation, savings and loan.  ;

The total capital of this cooperative is 7 crore 6 lakh 5 thousand . According to Bhandari, the chairman of the cooperative, wholesale markets have been conducted in various cities and municipalities to farmers belonging to groups and cooperatives through the practice of collective marketing to increase the production and productivity of agricultural products based on demand through technology and technical support.

has taken the aim of packaging, grading, processing and exporting the agricultural produce to the market area for value addition. Chairman Bhandari said that by increasing the access of cooperatives and groups to the market, a farmer-friendly and consumer-friendly environment has been created. After the construction of the center, Caritas Nepal provided mobile fund amount, technical JTE for 6 months, ginger wire house, administrative support, said Bhandari, the president of the cooperative. She said that for the effective operation of

wholesale market, coordination will be done with the local government, donor agencies, concerned agencies of neighboring districts and the private sector. The cooperative has been collecting, storing and processing agricultural produce based on market demand. He is involved in the collection of agricultural produce needed for the wholesale market, searching for markets, and maintaining the fair price of the agricultural produce produced by the farmers.

The center was built at a cost of 2 crore 32 lakh 74 thousand rupees. For this, Agricultural Business Promotion and Training Center Khajura Banke 46 lakh 36 thousand, Tansen Municipality 41 lakh 23 thousand, The agricultural produce wholesale market was built with the financial support of Heifer Project Nepal and Reda Palpa with 85 lakh rupees and friendly social entrepreneur women cooperative organization Tansen-13, Baughagumha with 52 lakh rupees, Lumbini Province Land Management and Cooperative Ministry with 8 lakh 13 thousand rupees.

प्रकाशित : असार ७, २०८१ १३:२९
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