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MCA Nepal awarded the contract for construction of Ratamate substation

400 KV gas insulated switchgear and substation construction contract in 39 months

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Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) Nepal awarded the contract for the construction of 400 kV new Ratamate Substation at Nuwakot to the Indian company Techno Electric and Engineering. The 400 KV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) substation has been contracted to be constructed in 39 months.

MCA Nepal awarded the contract for construction of Ratamate substation

MCA-Nepal Executive Director Khadga Bahadur Bista and Techno Company Business Director Rajeev Agarwal signed the agreement.

Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is about to implement a part of Nepal Compact. It is mentioned in the statement that after the construction of Ratamate substation, it will be one of the largest substations in the country with a capacity of 1000 megavolt ampere. The Ratamate substation, which will be built at a total cost of $5.16 million, will serve as a power transmission line between Lapsiphedi and the new Hetaunda substation after construction.

This is the second substation contract out of three substations under MCC Nepal Compact. Kulman Ghising, Executive Director of Nepal Electricity Authority, said that the 400 kV Ratmate substation envisaged in Nepal's Transmission System Development Plan (TSDPN) is an important part of Nepal's national electricity transmission system. MCC Nepal Compact is another milestone in Nepal's energy sector contribution.

'The signing of Ratamate Substation, the second of the three substations, shows that MCC Nepal Compact has accelerated its implementation,' said Diane L. Francisco, Resident National Director of MCC. It will help to strengthen Nepal's immense potential to meet the developing needs of Nepal and bring prosperity to the Nepali people.'

The 400 KV Ratamate substation will have the capacity to transmit about 3200 MW of electricity generated by various hydroelectric projects. Reliable electricity distribution available at different voltage levels in this substation will increase industrial and commercial activities in Nepal. Apart from three substations, MCC Nepal Compact will invest for the construction of 315 km transmission line from Lapsiphedi to Nawalparasi (Bardghat Susta West) to the Nepal-India border under the power transmission project.

According to MCA Nepal, the bids received for the construction of 18 km inland transmission line are being evaluated. MCA-Nepal aims to conclude its construction contract by August. It is said that preparations are being made to call for bids again this year as soon as possible for the construction of the remaining 297 km transmission line.

Last May, MCA-Nepal signed an agreement with Linkson India Pvt Ltd for the construction of a new 400 kV Butwal substation in Nawalparasi (Bardghat Susta West) district. MCA-Nepal has said that the construction of the substation should be completed within 39 months of the contract period.

प्रकाशित : असार २, २०८१ ०७:२०
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