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२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

"Play the System"

Directed by artist Akanksha Karki, the play 'Play the System' satirizes the psychology of the characters, their understanding and thinking driven by the patriarchal structure.
रीना मोक्तान

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In the office, she is as competent and competent as any other colleague. Equally honest and diligent in work. Hardworking in his responsibilities and sensitive about his career. Always ready to prove yourself, to reach your potential. She has the ability to quickly identify problems that her male colleagues are unable to solve.

Smarter than others, she is equally passionate about her work. However, she is deprived of the position and facilities for which she is eligible. Those positions are occupied by unqualified men. So he is forced to work under the authority of that incompetent man. Why

? The reason for that is obvious - she is a woman. what kind of woman A woman who speaks the voice of fearlessness and rebellion. She does not hesitate to speak out against gender inequality in the workplace. She uses her arms to prove herself better than others. She does not fall in the crowd of those who flatter her.

She is a strong woman who stands up against those who suppress her voice. Realizing that her abilities are not believed because she is a woman, she works twice as hard. However, the patriarchal structure has been established to suppress, silence and prove weak.

This is not the only story of Namita Sharma (Ranjana Bhattarai) in 'Play the System' being staged at Kaushi Theatre. Being a woman in the workplace is a common experience of women who endure unequal treatment, sexual abuse and oppression and raise their voice against it. Those who are still fighting to dismantle this structure, are raising voice for their existence, identity and equality. Especially the story of Namita who is constantly fighting for her self-esteem, self-respect and equal treatment, 'play the system'.

A recent addition to the architecture firm is Namita. However, even after months of joining the firm, the manager Shailes (Ilam Dixit) does not give him any work. He has the urge to prove himself and show his ability. Namita has only a job with her, no responsibilities. The office is also next to the corner store. He was not even made to participate in the firm's ambitious project of 6 crores (renovate the mall in Lalitpur). Why?

Namita spoke in favor of women's equality in the workplace. She is talented, even more capable than those involved in the project. However, manager Shailes has a problem with Namita's same feminism.

Not only Shaylace, most of the male colleagues in the office are not able to digest her feminist approach. Namitha's strong presence drives the patriarchal-minded female colleague Jana (Roshni Sangbo) into an existential crisis like the others. Finally, the stalled project moves forward only because of Namita's contribution. But Shailes' masculinity does not give him credit for it. He doesn't want to make himself weak before Namita or let's say he doesn't want to see Namita getting stronger. Especially the masculinity in him does not want to accept the truth that a woman can solve that kind of problem. Directed by

colorist Akanksha Karki, Play The System, translated by Priyankar from Theresa Riebeck's play What We Are Up Against, satirizes the psychology of characters like Shailes, their understanding and thinking, driven by a patriarchal structure. Shailes is only a representative character of Nepali society, which operates according to the patriarchal structure. This problem seems to be deeply rooted in most of the men in the play. They have a big problem with Namita's talent, presence and participation. They don't want to see women above them. Not only Shailes, most of the men are trying to weaken Namitas. Because, they are in love with the patriarchal society that is overthrown by female leadership, equal treatment and inclusive society. In the

drama, the characters like Manan are also raised. Desire is a woman but dominated by patriarchal thinking. Even the desire is quickly burnt by the behavior of Namit. The misogynist character is full of fun in him. She sees Namita from a male point of view. Namita's talent, stubborn nature also annoys her.

The play satirizes women who are insensitively raising slogans on issues such as rape and abuse in the recent past, and who make the victim more victimized by masculinist thinking. In the

drama, scenes of abuse in the workplace are also shown. When Vishwas (Suraj Malla) tells the news that Namita has prepared the design of the pipeline in the discussion, Pankaj (Rishikesh Basyal) starts calling Namita weak. He is saying those insults in such a casual manner that it is as if the word 'sari' is only taken for permission to speak to the woman next door. Most of the men in the

drama are portrayed poorly. Men who understand serious issues like gender inequality and sexual abuse are not absent in society. But few understand the depth of this issue. Akanksha has tried to balance it through Vishwas character. But, isn't Biswas increasingly leaning towards Namita for pipeline design? There is also a place for questioning in the play. If some male characters were balanced to establish such a serious issue, the power of the case that the actor is trying to raise would have increased. In the

drama, Namitha's complicated situation, the effect on her psychology, Ranjana has acted well, while Elam has brought the anger and masculinity of manager Shailes to life on the stage. Roshni has beautifully presented the pretense of pretenders through the dual character of desire. Suraj and Pankaj in the character of Vishwas, Rishikesh has also been seen strong in acting performance.

Akanksha, who continues to raise questions on sensitive issues and alert the society, has again presented a different issue of abuse through a different setting in 'Play the System'. The play has exposed the impact of sexual abuse not only in the workplace but everywhere. And it is strongly said, as long as we live within the patriarchal structure, the Namitas should continue to struggle against it, should continue to fight. The play seems to be successful in presenting the courage, courage and psychological aspects of women who are fighting against sexual abuse in a simple way.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ ०९:५८
जनताको राय

लामो समयदेखि किसानलाई भुक्तानी नदिएका दूग्ध उद्योगीहरूले उल्टै 'मिल्क होलिडे' को चेतावनी दिएकोबारे तपाईंको भनाई के छ ?
