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Euro 2024: Italy and Spain get off to a winning start


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Italy and Spain, the two biggest teams in Group B of Euro 2024, started victoriously as expected on Saturday.

Euro 2024: Italy and Spain get off to a winning start

Despite conceding the fastest goal in the history of the tournament, defending champions Italy came back to defeat Albania 2-1 while defending their title.

Albania's Nedim Bajrami opened the scoring in the 23rd second and shocked Italy. But in the 11th minute of the game, Alessandro Bastoni scored the equalizing goal for Italy. After that the game was completely in Italy's favor and Niccolò Barella scored the winner .

Spain's win was easy and they beat Croatia 3-0. All three goals of Spain were possible in the first half. In that sequence, Alvaro Morata scored the first goal in the 29th minute. After four minutes, Fabin Ruiz added the second goal . Dani Carvajal added the third goal in the second minute of injury time of the first half.

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