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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Tatopani on the journey to prosperity

डीबी बुढा

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The Tatopani Rural Municipality of Jumla has released the two-year progress report and has concluded that it has been able to make the citizens feel the government at their doorstep. It said that most of the needs of the citizens have been met amid the lack of budget, difficult terrain and limited resources.

Tatopani on the journey to prosperity

Publishing the details of the work done by the people's representatives who came after the local elections of 2079, Tatopani Rural Municipality has claimed that it has been able to convey the feeling of local government to the people in a short time. On that occasion,

published the best works edited in the financial years (2079/080 and 2080/081). President Nanda Prasad Choulagai said that new work has been started from one municipality and seven rural villages in the district.

According to him, the main achievement of Tatopani is to be able to completely discourage the trend of Asare development. He said that the policy of making the final payment of the schemes by the end of May of each financial year has helped to spread a positive message at the public level.

Implementation of Tatopani Times, freeing the municipality from food shortages, developing labor culture and reducing the cost of projects, he also said that he considered the Shramdan Abhiyan on the second Saturday of every month as an achievement.

Tatopani has rescued and rehabilitated six citizens who had lost their mental balance and were living the lives of street people in two years. The administrative building of the municipality has been constructed from the internal revenue source of the municipality. 25 laws have been made and implemented.

President Choulagai said, 'Development activities are being done based on the needs and demands of the people within the municipality. which has helped to improve the relationship between the citizens and the government.' The impression of the community towards the local government has been very good.

In order to improve the quality of education, matching the academic staff and student-teacher ratio in every school is also seen as an achievement, he said. In the report, it has been shown that the houses of 3 thousand 300 households in Tatopani rural municipality have been insured.

Jumla's largest and most beautiful lake, Gididah, has also been made public. The length of Gididah is 1,510 meters, width is 310 meters and depth is 42.3 meters. Within two financial years, 10 school buildings, 2 ward office buildings, 1 administrative building, 3 public toilets, 3 suspension bridges, 2 suspension bridges, 7 km road construction, 24 km Goretto road construction, 2528 households Water supply has been repaired and constructed.

In the current financial year, although 99 percent of material progress has been made in the planning sector, only 58 percent of the plan has been paid for due to various reasons, said Tirth Kathayat, the chief administrative officer of Tatopani.

"The physical progress of the plan is 99 percent, but the payment has been reduced due to the wave of planting, domestic work and the wave of harvesting," he said. Kathayat said that in the current financial year, 7 schemes have been implemented through contract. The municipality has recorded the improvement of relations between employees, public representatives and citizens as a big achievement.

Creating a municipal anthem and logo that reflects the identity of the rural municipality, digital presence connection and its implementation in the rural municipality and its offices, implementation of home insurance program, distribution of warm clothes to senior citizens and educational materials for the underprivileged students, implementation of Sahayatra third project, for citizens affected by disasters. According to Tatopani Rural Municipality, achievements such as immediate relief distribution, 512 households benefited from the safe citizen housing program, and increase in the reach of common citizens in communication services have been achieved within two years.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १८, २०८१ १९:४२
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