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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Online ticketing at Lumbini Regional Hospital from Saturday

सन्जु पौडेल

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Online ticketing service for OPD services at Lumbini Provincial Hospital in Butwal will be operational from Saturday. Now customers can buy tickets online at home.

Online ticketing at Lumbini Regional Hospital from Saturday

To use this facility, the customer can purchase tickets online from the hospital's website by going to the hospital's mobile app and internet browser.

Dr. Indra Dhakal, the medical superintendent of the hospital, said that it is arranged that one can choose the OPD branch to visit for the treatment and book a free ticket for the desired date. 'We will use this service as a trial period for some time,' he said, 'if successful, we will proceed with it regularly.'

He said that he is going to go to online service to end the obligation of the customer to stand in line for hours for the ticket and to make the service more quality. He also said that more facilities will be expanded to make the health services of the

hospital easily accessible by using more quality and up-to-date technology. There is no immediate provision for taking insurance services in the online ticketing service that the hospital is about to start . Dhakal informed that there is a plan to include them gradually. 2,000 to 2,500 patients come to the hospital daily for services.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ३२, २०८१ १७:४१
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