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२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Wagmati State Assembly meeting: Approval to send the bill to the committee


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The meeting of the Wagmati State Assembly on Friday unanimously approved the bill to replace the Higher Education (First Amendment) Ordinance-2081 to be sent to the Education, Health and Agriculture Committee for quarterly discussion.

Wagmati State Assembly meeting: Approval to send the bill to the committee

Earlier, the social development minister of the province Kumari Moktan had submitted a proposal that the bill should be sent to the education, health and agriculture committee for quarterly discussion.

Similarly, Thakur Prasad Dhakal, chairman of the Education, Health and Agriculture Committee, submitted the report of the committee's decision on the bill to regulate the operation of science, technology, innovation and development fund.

State Assembly Speaker Bhuvan Kumar Pathak announced that the next meeting of the State Assembly has been postponed until further notice.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १८:०६
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