कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७३

Education Minister's wrong decision

पाठक पत्र

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1. The result of the recently published SEE is starting to show that the education minister is in a state of panic. The proof of this is the decision to include the students who have been unclassified (non-graded) in more than two subjects in the supplementary examination after considering the country's constitution, rules, laws, policies, guidelines, curriculum format. This is the first practice of nongraded. Can it be removed in the first birth?

Education Minister's wrong decision

2. According to 11.2.7 of the National Education Policy 2076, the provincial government is assigned the responsibility of the secondary level class 10 examination. Similarly, the National Curriculum Framework 2076 Second Amendment 2079 also provides that the class 10 exam will be held at the provincial level. Schedule 8 of the Constitution has given this right to the local government.

3. By not letting them take the responsibility of the state or local governments and not taking the initiative to amend the law for years, the Ministry of Education is messing up the class 10 exams.

4. The Minister of Education once consulted with the Minister of Social Development, who looks after the education of the provincial government, as to what to do about the results even if the center conducts this examination which is under the responsibility of the local or state government. Did the Minister of Education, who took the oath of office as a witness to the constitution, have any discussions with the local level regarding the constitution? Why is this common courtesy not followed by the Minister of Education?

5. Why is there such a rush to change the arrangement of joining the grade increase examination up to three times in two subjects in relation to the supplementary examination in the third revision of the Letter Grading Guideline 2080 7 (2d)?

6. Does the Union Education Minister have the right to monopolize all these policies and rules? Shouldn't there be a discussion with stakeholders before making such a decision? With such immature and undemocratic decisions, education will continue to decline. Is the federalism of education a stubborn decision of the Union Education Minister?

7. The letter grading guide states that the unclassified grade includes students who are very weak in the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject matter, incompetent in organizing, analyzing and using the subject matter, who lack original, creative and logical abilities and who lack communication skills.

8. Should such students be assisted in their preparation for some time or should they all take the exam? Is it the right decision to push most of the weak students in English, mathematics and science subjects to the supplementary examination within a month of the results? Not enough financial investment or human, and how are the results excellent?

9. Could have gone to many options. For such alternatives, search in any dubious file within the Ministry of Education, read the abstracts of the seminars conducted by you. If you dare, have an open discussion with the stakeholders. But stop the game of killing the country and the future of the students.

10. Will the Minister of Education, who is proud to have published the report of the National Education Commission, even read the suggestions given by it for the improvement of school education?
– Manprasad Wagle, Meen Bhavan, Kathmandu

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ ०९:४९
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