कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Who is the budget for?

पाठक पत्र

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Now every municipality is developing rapidly. Somewhere is a government building, somewhere is a fence, somewhere is a road, canals. Some jobs are on demand. Looks like a budget somewhere. But for whom the budget is essential, the budget has not touched the backward classes and regional communities, marginalized and oppressed castes, which are also spoken about by the state policy.

Who is the budget for?

Somewhere in the past years, the women's budget was also put on the road and square. The teacher was paid from the amount of lunch that came to the school children. But the budget did not address the marginalized who work all day and return home in the evening to buy a bag of salt. Even the poor are falling under the pressure of daily rising prices. But neither the state nor the state budget works for them.

It is said that Singh Durbar reached the villages. But there is no budget for the Badis, Kusbandiyas, Chidimars, Ghariaras, Dalits, Madheshis, Muslims, landless squatters and communities with different abilities. Now, whether it is at the local level or the union, party and workers, the budget is made. The budget is made based on the plans submitted by the contractors of their parties.

This is what is seen in the budget slippage from top to bottom. We have not seen the budget being party-oriented, leader-oriented and tearing the budget book. Shouldn't the budget be especially for the country and the people? When will the day come when we will be happy that the budget, policies and programs have been made for us?
– Vishnu Roka, Nepalgunj, Banke

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ १०:४७
जनताको राय

लामो समयदेखि किसानलाई भुक्तानी नदिएका दूग्ध उद्योगीहरूले उल्टै 'मिल्क होलिडे' को चेतावनी दिएकोबारे तपाईंको भनाई के छ ?
