कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Supreme Court's decision to protect caste

पाठक पत्र

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The identity of any civilization is inherent in language. The erasure of language is the beginning of the process of eradicating that identity. We have read and heard in history that after language, costumes, culture, tradition, religion and customs are being destroyed. Due to the unscrupulous actions of some eminent (?) people who are holding the reins of an organization which is supposed to take care of language and literature, our own 'Nepali language' is facing a similar crisis.

Twelve years ago, due to the comments and orders made by the then education secretary and education minister, our children have to read Nepali, the national language, with corrupted spelling from the elementary level of school. How can this imprint on the brains of those little children be erased and lost? Again, the same people who are engaged in the wrong campaign to make Nepali language easy to speak and write do not consider it difficult to teach foreign languages ​​like Chinese-German-French to their children, how ironic? Even after twelve years, Kholo is back.

The comment-order made by the Ministry of Education in the year 2069 has been annulled by the Supreme Court in 2081 last Sunday. The austerity of villager Baldev etc., the activist of the 'Save Nepali Language Campaign', has been successful. Thanks to them. But when I see that such a big news about Nepali language preservation and development is not even in mainstream newspapers in Nepali language, my heart is breaking.
– Ajay Risal, Dhulikhel

The Supreme Court has issued a verdict that the government has no right to change the alphabet of the national language (Nepali). As a result, the standard 'Varnavinyasa' of the Nepali language will no longer be broken, and the professors, Tribhuvan University, and the Ministry of Education, who are trying to destroy it, have learned a lesson.

The then Minister of Education Dinanath Sharma approved the comment order on the color scheme of the editing and publication style book on 22 July 2069. Before that, Hemangraj Adhikari, a member of the Nepal Pragya Pratishthan, had published 'Experimental Nepali Dictionary' under his editorship. This anthology printed in 2061 was appreciated by national poet Madhav Prasad Ghimire, Chudamani Bandhu and others. Badri Vishal Bhattarai was the editor of that dictionary. The lexicon contained several pre-standard alphabetic entries such as phul (egg), phool (flower), jun (jo), jun (moon). In the meantime, a Nepali syllabus book titled 'Sabaiko Saathi' was published by Samha Publications for classes 11 and 12. Adhikari and Bhattarai were the editorial leaders.

A new standard was imposed on Hachuva without showing the 'need' to revise the dictionary published in 2061. Many Gaijatres made a rule of adding three letters and writing them separately if there are five letters, instead of the tradition of separating them by name and surname. This problem also penetrated the university. After taking comments outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, the Curriculum Development Center issued a circular on 'Varnavinyasa', Pragya Pratishthan introduced the dictionary 'Flower without fragrance'.

At that time, with the efforts of the fathers of language, Balkrishna Pokharel, Taranath Sharma, Chudamani Bandhu (who had previously appreciated the experimental dictionary) and others, Pragya Pratishthan found that the 'dictionary' was faulty and promised to return the money or give a new printed dictionary. Surprisingly, Hemangraj Adhikari was not found guilty. Now it is the responsibility of all the concerned bodies to implement the judgment of the Supreme Court, it should be done as soon as possible. It is timely to express our sincere gratitude to all scholars who have contributed to the preservation of color and style.
– Amarkumar Pradhan, Dolakha, present: Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ १०:४५
जनताको राय

लामो समयदेखि किसानलाई भुक्तानी नदिएका दूग्ध उद्योगीहरूले उल्टै 'मिल्क होलिडे' को चेतावनी दिएकोबारे तपाईंको भनाई के छ ?
