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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६६

The ups and downs of Upendra Yadav

पाठक पत्र

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With the departure of Upendra Yadav from the central government, Jaspa has been displaced from the Madhesh state government. The UML and Maoists are going to withdraw from the Jaspa-led Madhesh government. Their ministers submitted their resignations on Sunday. Now it is certain that a government will be formed in Madhesh under the leadership of CK Raut's Janmat Party with UML and Maoists.

After the country went to federalism and became the government of Madhesh province, Upendra Yadav's party was in the leadership of the government. Now the state government will be formed without Jaspa. He will remain out of power at the center as well. This means that the popularity of Upendra Yadav and Jaspa in Madhesh is gradually decreasing. New parties and leaders to compete with Jaspa are being born in Madhesh. Janmat Party alone has won 13 seats in Madhesh province.

Raut defeated Upendra Yadav in Saptari in the last general election. It is also clear from that how Yadav's weight is decreasing in Madhesh. The people of Saptari saved the honor of the defeated Yadav by winning from Bara with the mercy of the big parties.

Yadav's then Madhesi Janadhikhar Forum was very influential in Madhesh. The Madhesi people had a lot of faith in Yadav. But the general public could not feel that Yadav's party was playing a satisfactory role. Poverty and unemployment increased even more when Madhesh led the government.

The Madhesh government itself has sunk into the state of corruption. Upendra Yadav, who was in the central government, always enjoyed being around power and traveling abroad. He raised his son as the mayor of Biratnagar against popular sentiment but was defeated by the people. He had a tendency to unite with other parties from time to time to save his party, but as soon as his interests were fulfilled, he showed a tendency to favor senior and rival leaders. That's why Jaspa broke up. Yadav's ups and downs are worth studying.
– Gopal Devkota, Gokarneshwar, Kathmandu

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १, २०८१ ०५:५९
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