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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Triveni Motocorp's EV showroom at Balkumari


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Triveni Motocorp has launched a new showroom for Dongfeng Electric Vehicles at Balkumari, Lalitpur. Triveni Motocorp under Triveni Group, after being appointed as the official distributor from China's Dongfeng Automobile Company Limited, the company has started importing and selling electric vehicles.

Triveni Motocorp's EV showroom at Balkumari

Triveni Motocorp has purchased the company's 11-seat, 14-seat Daengfeng electric passenger vans and 4.5 and 5.3 cubic meter capacity cargo vans are being sold and distributed. The company aims to contribute to the environmental improvement through the promotion of electric vehicles and work for the equal benefit of all parties involved in the transportation sector.

11-seat capacity EV micro has a 50 KW motor and 42 KWh lithium-ion battery will give a range of 300 kilometers on a full charge. 14-seat EV micro has an 80 KW motor and a 50 KWh lithium-ion battery will give a full charge. It will give a range of 300 kilometers on a charge. CATL batteries are connected to all electric vans of Daengfeng.

company has said that these ranges can be obtained by driving at a speed of 40 km per hour, while based on the road conditions, temperature base, driver's EV operating experience and traffic conditions, Triveni Motocorp has said that a range of 250 km can be easily obtained by testing the range . Triveni Motocorp has established a well-equipped service center at Bahundhara Mandir Marg, Jorpati, Kathmandu, with a focus on after-sales service.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २३, २०८१ १५:०८
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