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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८९

The song 'Nowhere to hide' has been released featuring Smita's voice and Priyanka's acting


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Singer Smita Dahal's voice and actress Priyanka Karki's performance in the song 'Lukaune Pacha Chani' has been released. In the song, Divya Kumar's voice is also on the male side and Ayushmann Deshraj Joshi is also acting.

The song 'Nowhere to hide' has been released featuring Smita's voice and Priyanka's acting

The lyrics of the song are by Saroj Oli and the music is by Deepak Sharma. The arrangement of the video is by Rikesh Gurung and the recording is by Kiran Singh Thapa.

The video was made public by RT Entertainment on Saturday. Smita Dahal's earlier songs like 'Ankhama Ghazal', 'Ho Ho Ni Maya Ho', 'Mayalu Tu Kata Sya', 'Pani Kuwako', 'Malingo' have been released.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १, २०८१ १९:०८
जनताको राय

कांग्रेसले 'वेल' घेरेर नाराबाजी गरिरहेका बेला प्रधानमन्त्रीले प्रतिनिधिसभामा विश्वासको मत लिएको घटनालाई कसरी लिनु भएको छ ?