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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७०

The country's public debt is in a favorable condition, we will not fall into debt trap: Finance Minister Pun


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Finance Minister Varshman Pun has said that compared to other countries, Nepal's public debt situation is favorable and Nepal will not fall into debt trap. Answering the question raised by the parliamentarians in the meeting of the House of Representatives on Monday, Finance Minister Pun claimed that the cost of loans taken by Nepal is now low.

The country's public debt is in a favorable condition, we will not fall into debt trap: Finance Minister Pun

From the point of view of cost and risk of debt, our public debt is in a favorable position compared to other countries. Considering the amount and cost of public debt so far, there is no possibility that the country will fall into debt trap', he said, 'The government is sensitive to maintaining the sustainability of debt while mobilizing public debt. The government is aware of the use of public debt in the productive sector.'

According to Finance Minister Pun, by the end of the current fiscal year 2080/81, Nepal's public debt has increased by 98.8 billion to 23.97 billion. At the end of 2080, the outstanding public debt of the government was 22 trillion 99 billion 35 billion.

Currently, the outstanding debt of the government is 42.02 percent of Nepal's gross domestic product. Out of outstanding public debt, internal debt is 11 trillion 84 billion 48 billion (49.4 percent) and external debt is 12 trillion 12 billion 95 billion (50.6 percent).

By April of the current fiscal year, Finance Minister Pun said that the government mobilized public debt of 1 trillion 91 billion and 73 billion 633.36 million for external debt. During that period, the government has paid 1 trillion 35 billion 62 billion 33 million for internal debt and 30 billion 93 billion 11 million for external debt.

In Monday's meeting of the House of Representatives, Finance Minister Pun informed about the achievements of the third investment conference held by the government on May 16 and 17. Finance Minister Pun claims that the law has been amended for investment facilitation, requests for letters of intent (expression of interest-EOI) have been called for 19 projects, the project bank has been updated, and Nepal has been presented as an excellent investment destination in the international world. He said that the morale of the private sector has increased from the investment conference.

Finance Minister Pun defended the government regarding the fact that there was no efficiency in budget allocation for the upcoming financial year 2081/82. Finance Minister Pun said, "There has been a big gap and inequality in the allocation of the ministerial budget and the issue of not being able to distribute the budget fairly", Finance Minister Pun said. The budget is allocated according to the equitable system.'

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १६:१४
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