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२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १५२

Petition to the Supreme Court against cancellation of the Securities Board Chairman appointment process


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A petition has been filed in the Supreme Court against the cancellation of the selection process for the chairman of the Nepal Securities Board. Santosh Narayan Shrestha, the candidate of the president, filed a writ in the court on Monday.

Petition to the Supreme Court against cancellation of the Securities Board Chairman appointment process

The Chairman Recommendation Committee of the Securities Board formed under the coordination of National Planning Commission Vice Chairman Meen Bahadur Shrestha had issued a notice canceling the process of selecting the chairman from last Friday. Shrestha has filed a writ demanding that the cancellation of the selection process by the

committee is not in accordance with the law and the process should be allowed to remain as it is.

"The recommendation committee does not have the right to cancel the process, all the candidates may not be present, but we all participated in the process," Santosh Narayan Narayan Shrestha said, "That's why I have registered a writ against the cancellation of the process."

There is a provision in the Securities Act that at least three people must be recommended. The process was canceled last Friday after only two of the five people shortlisted by the recommendation committee joined the action plan presentation and interview.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १७:४९
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