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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The development of the energy sector gives new momentum to the country's prosperity: Energy Minister Basnet


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Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Minister Shakti Bahadur Basnet has said that the development of the energy sector will give new momentum to the country's prosperity. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the data center built and put into operation by the Nepal Electricity Authority at Suchatar in Kathmandu on Friday, he said that the development of the energy sector will give a new impetus to the prosperity of the country.

The development of the energy sector gives new momentum to the country's prosperity: Energy Minister Basnet

Minister Basnet said that the construction of power distribution system control center and international level state-of-the-art data center is another important step to make Nepal's energy sector smarter.

He said, 'It is self-evident that the development of the energy sector will contribute more to the development of the country's prosperity. Along with the development of the energy sector, the Nepal Electricity Authority, which is playing the main role of managing the energy sector, is also becoming strong, capable and strong. This is one more illustration. We are now talking about digital NEA. Under NEA, a data center, Advance Data Center is going to be managed in the same way. I think, it will make NEA's role in the overall management of our energy more effective.'

Minister Basnet said that it will contribute more to the energy management of the country as a whole. 'We are talking about energy security. We are talking about energy for development, for prosperity. I believe that the data center will play a role in order to broaden and organize the role played by the energy sector in all these areas,' he said.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १८:४९
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