कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Begin making a budget implementation plan


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The Ministry of Finance has started planning the implementation of the budget for the next fiscal year 2081/82. According to Finance Minister Pun's secretariat, Finance Minister Varshman Pun called both secretaries of the ministry, heads of divisions, customs department, internal revenue department and other high officials and discussed the action plan.

Begin making a budget implementation plan

During that, Finance Minister Pun instructed to prepare a realistic plan so that it can be implemented.

'Let's make an objective action plan so as to increase the expenditure and implement it. Finance Minister Pun said, "If we can spend as per the target and increase the expenditure within the specified time, then the market will be active". It would generate revenue and generate employment. Let's not be traditional, let's plan to work on time.'

Finance Minister Pun instructed to work by making a quarterly plan for the implementation of the budget and to make an action plan only considering the holidays of big festivals like Dasain-Tihar.

He directed the immediate disbursement of equalization grants going to the local level. 'The local level is in the final preparations to bring the budget. Let's send the equalization budget 100%. Even if not, let's arrange to go more than the previous year', he said while giving instructions to the employees. He directed the employees to work with high morale and courage and told them not to be afraid while working in accordance with the law. He suggested to disobey the minister or someone higher than the minister who instructed him to work outside the law.

He expressed confidence that Nepal Rastra Bank will bring monetary policy in harmony with the financial policy of the coming financial year. People are making unnecessary comments about whether monetary policy supports public finance policy or not. Such comments were made in the past too', Minister Pun said, 'We believe that since the Rashtra Bank is a state body, it is not different from the financial policy. There is no room for unnecessary comments and suspicions when there is policy uniformity. The results are good.' Governor Mahaprasad Adhikari also participated in the


प्रकाशित : असार ७, २०८१ २०:२४
जनताको राय

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