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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २१४

"It is now irrelevant to raise the issue of 'multinational state'"

Conflicts are increasing due to various anomalies in the country. Many types of people are increasing conflict in various ways including religious and communal. It is not good for us to talk about another conflict at this time.
दुर्गा खनाल

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The LOSPA, a party made up of various factions, has again reached a state of division. Senior leader Rajendra Mahato is protesting against the party.

Movement preparation Swaroop Mahato's front has called a meeting from Monday. Durga Khanal of Ekantipur Durga Khanal of Ekantipur brief conversation with LOSPA leader Sarvendranath Shukla who has different views on Mahato's activities : Senior party leader Rajendra Mahato first went beyond party policy. He used to express himself, but it seems that he is going to do a separate program tomorrow. What is happening in LOSPA and how have you seen his activities?

By consulting us, discussing the mainstream of the party, nothing has happened . After the formation of the central working committee, the central members were selected in the first meeting. He said that among the people who have been kept, some people are missing. After the establishment of LOSPA, the central working committee was formed, and the meeting gave the power to select the president. Everyone else accepted it, but as far as his words were concerned, some protesting friends were left out.

Related news:

LOSPA is in danger of breaking up, carrying the agenda of 'multinational state', Mahato's protest

That's why you have raised other issues now ?

He raised the issue of multinational state and went to other parties and different places. Went to various districts including Saptari. There was no response when he said to protest. Officially, this issue should be discussed in the party meeting and it never happened.

What we say is that now is not the time to protest. In the same country, conflict is increasing due to various anomalies. Many types of people are increasing conflict in various ways including religious and communal. At this time, it is not good for us to talk about another conflict.

is not a good time now. No one is in the mood to protest . They are coming to Kathmandu walking. Others are raising issues. We do not see the possibility of any movement now on the issue of this multinational state . His statement was to be done. He should have discussed this matter in the party forum and convinced us for this movement. He printed pamphlets. There is no responsible party person involved with him, Except General Secretary Keshav Jha . As many other people have names, some Limbuwan, some Khambuwan, were not seen anywhere .

There was no discussion in the Central Committee about stopping him ?

There was nothing in the central committee of the party . If he wants to protest, he will not stop and stop . If you come to us and ask, we will discuss . Never spoke but went out and printed pamphlets, distributed them. It was never presented institutionally. Now, at his gesture, one of his general secretaries let go of the president who has not done anything for 16 years. He has sent a letter charging that.

Is there a leadership handover?

I don't know that any Prime Minister has resigned by standing on the street and demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister. A man stands on the street and asks the Prime Minister to resign, so-and-so resigns. In the Parliament, the majority of the House resigns after showing no confidence. What we said is that we should have a conference to hand over the leadership. Mahanthji is already saying, well, who should I leave? The workers had to institutionalize that. Let's elect the leadership everywhere from the ward to the center. We have agreed on that in principle. There is also a meeting tomorrow about this . If he talks about something, we will talk about the convention and say that if it is possible immediately, if not immediately, we will theoretically hold the convention and set a date for it.

Doesn't the demand raised by Mahato further divide people?

That's what I mean. Now he will remember those things at the right time. When he was in Oliji's cabinet, he raised the same issue as soon as he came out after taking oath. He is a stunt politician. Did it to play a stunt . I was here.

But within 24 hours he said that I didn't say that and the media printed it . I have issued a statement saying that I will take it back . He has failed by doing that and raising the issue now will not work. He tried and failed, it didn't work . Withdraw yourself . No one signed him by force. He withdrew that demand to save his seat. If he had said that he will not take back this demand but rather resign as a minister, he would have been a hero when he raised this issue. But he did otherwise. He had left that issue to save the minister's chair . Let's discuss what our punit advice is when we meet him. Go to its scope . If there is a need for agitation, go to Andon. If this issue works, take it, otherwise take the issue that works.

He has organized gatherings by forcing people from all over the country and has also boycotted party meetings, right?

It's okay, he has called people many times . Even when his party was separated, he used to call people from all over the country and hold conventions. We have people everywhere. There is a district working committee, a municipality and a ward committee. He went to all the districts but nowhere more than a dozen people gathered. So now he gathers . His ambition will make right and wrong, what about us! 10 people have been doing it .

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १३, २०८० २०:३९
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