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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२९

"I feel that India is more flexible and generous than before"

We do not act in a manner that poses a threat to the internal affairs and internal security of any country. We have assured both neighboring countries about this.
Now, the whole narrative of differences between Nepal and India has been removed and the culture of cooperation has moved forward.

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The Observer Research Foundation (ORF), a non-profit organization of India, in collaboration with the Ministry of External Affairs, has completed the 9th Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi. Since 2016, India has been holding Raisina Dialogue as a mega event on major topics of geo-politics and geo-economics.

Representatives of 115 countries participated in the ninth edition of the dialogue. This time the issue was struggle, competition, cooperation and construction . The program was attended by Foreign Minister NP Saud and representatives from various other fields from Nepal. He also expressed his views in the panel discussion on

Development Deficit Towards Post-2023. Foreign Minister Saud, who came to New Delhi to participate in the same program, held bilateral meetings and other diplomatic meetings with Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar. Foreign Minister NP Saud Kantipur Bureau Chief Rajesh Mishra in New Delhi :

Raisina Dialogue Forum How was it for Nepal?

Raisina Dialogue is organized in collaboration between the Government of India and an organization here. I have come here from Nepal because of the invitation. This is a multi-faceted discussion . Foreign ministers and other ministers of 20 countries also participated in it. Not only that, he was also the Prime Minister of Greece. Not only in the diplomatic field, the development in the field of technology, the development in the field of investment and the gap between the North and the South as well as cooperation were discussed .

Now India is a very large economy. Despite various adversities, India is growing rapidly economically. Therefore, it seems that the Raisina Dialogue organized by India has been given great importance not only by the rest of the countries of the South, but also by the developed countries of the North. Nepal has also been able to use this forum as an opportunity to strengthen bilateral and multilateral relations. It is a meaningful debate in our neighborhood.

Q- Who did you get a chance to meet?

After attending the opening session of Raisina Dialogue, he was busy in bilateral and multilateral meetings. In the meantime, a bilateral meeting has been held with S. Jaishankar, the foreign minister of the host country, India. Apart from that, bilateral discussions have been held with Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bhutan, Ukraine and other countries. At lunches and dinners, there is also a chance to discuss with many responsible officials of India.

How was the meeting with India's Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar?

The bilateral meeting with him went very well. Discussions were held in favor of the implementation of previous agreements and agreements. The progress of discussions and agreements reached during the visit of Foreign Minister Jaishankar to Nepal last month has also been reviewed. He expressed happiness that positive progress has been made. Apart from that, we have talked about the immediate problems. We drew his attention to issues such as Nepali doctors studying in AIIMS not getting stipend, necessary facilities for export of plywood produced in Nepal to India, Aadhaar card should be easily provided to Nepalis who have to stay in India for a long period. We are thankful for the recent decision taken by the Government of India to remove the problem of Nepalese citizens not getting mobile SIM cards in India.

We have talked about Nepal's need for more air routes. There has been a discussion regarding the Pancheshwar project. We have spoken from our side regarding the construction of bridges at the top of the Mahakali river and at Jhulaghat. We also talked about the need to build a suspension bridge at some places in Mahakali . We have the experience of that. We have said that we have agreed to it.

We have talked about the release of water in the Mahakali irrigation project . Water has been released during the test. We have talked about the need to release water towards Nepal on a regular basis. Also, there has been a discussion about providing a certain stadium in India for cricket players of Nepal to practice. There has been talk about designating a stadium and inviting Nepalese players for practice there. After raising the issue of AIIMS student's staff, he has immediately instructed his subordinate officers to understand the matter . Similarly, we have said that whatever bilateral mechanisms exist between Nepal and India, they should be activated. We have also received positive feedback on that. Overall, many issues have been discussed in a positive manner.

What was the conversation regarding the air route ?

We are serious about air routes . In view of the fact that two airports have been constructed with Nepal's investment and to operate them, we have said that Nepal needs more air routes to operate them and the increasing air traffic pressure. We have maintained that the new air route should be provided to us at high altitude. Both Bhairawa and Pokhara airports have been built by Nepal with a loan. Nepal has investment in both.

How did you get the reaction of the Indian Foreign Minister regarding the air route ?

In this context, there was no such response in the exact word. Nepal has built an airport on loan. And, if it does not work, we have informed about the issue that the burden of debt is also increased . We have requested that an air route is needed for that .

The exchange of high-level visits between Nepal and India has increased. In your assessment, how is the relationship with India today ?

The relationship between Nepal and India dates back to ancient times. There is also a relationship at the government, public and cultural level. Now some of the artificial barriers of relationship between us have been removed . And, our relationship is improving . The visit of the Prime Minister of Nepal to India and the visit of the Foreign Minister to Nepal have also strengthened the relationship.

We have agreed to resolve the outstanding issues between us through continuous diplomatic talks and discussions in the Joint Commission. Progress has been made in the direction of advancing cooperation with India in the fields of energy, agriculture, information technology, and security. Now the whole narrative of differences between Nepal and India has been removed. The culture of collaboration has advanced .

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal's visit to India reached the level of implementation of the agreements and agreements reached?

After the Prime Minister's level meeting, we have a joint commission meeting. Many important works have been done in it. As such, energy trade agreements have been reached. If India buys 10,000 megawatts of electricity from Nepal within ten years, it will bring changes in the economic sector of Nepal. That's going to be incredible. Along with that, we are getting electricity market with Bangladesh in agreement with India. There has been a tripartite agreement on this . Its formalities are in the final stage of development. Discussions are also going on about the Pancheshwar project. Proposals are being exchanged. The work is being done with the promise to finish it within a month . A lot of work has been done on it. Expected to break through soon. Indian aid grants have increased in Nepal. Now, the problems and disruptions like Nepali people not getting mobile sim cards in India for a long time are also disappearing is gone . I have felt that India has become more flexible and generous. After saying

, in your experience, India has been generous towards Nepal at the moment?

is, Both The country should share in development . And, we agree that we should continue and strengthen the relationship that we have and move forward together to meet the future challenges of development .

last time two In the meeting of the Prime Ministers of the country in New Delhi, the Indian Prime Minister expressed his commitment to resolve the border dispute through negotiations. was . Has there been any conversation about that?

There has been a kind of agreement to manage the border at the final stage of the Panchayat . For that, a joint boundary group has been formed to measure the border. Especially two points, one is Susta and the other is Kalapani, a significant achievement has been achieved. There is a lot of consensus on that. During the Prime Minister's visit to India, the Indian Prime Minister said for the first time publicly that he will resolve the border dispute between the two countries through diplomatic talks and discussions. Public expression is given. That subject has been raised in the meeting of the Joint Commission. It has been a matter of advancing the dialogue and discussion through a proper diplomatic structure . There are some structures. We are in the process of activating it. It is moving in a positive direction .

How is Nepal dealing with coordination and balance with its two neighbors India and China?

Nepal has a border of one thousand kilometers to the north. The border has been around eighteen hundred kilometers to the east, west and south. Now the two neighboring countries which are emerging economies in the world are important for us. We need to get rewards from both the neighboring countries and the progress of the neighbors. Our foreign policy is based on non-alignment. We do not act in a manner that poses a threat to the internal affairs and internal security of any country . We have two We have assured the whole country about this. These two countries and any other powerful countries in the world, our relations with them have been expanded according to our mutual benefits. We have developed relations with the respective countries based on the principle of mutual benefit. Historically, our relations with both our neighbors have been balanced and good. At present, Nepal has not been involved in diplomatic disputes or disputes in the international arena.

It's been a year since you took charge of the Foreign Affairs Minister . During this period, how have you experienced the geopolitical pressure of the two neighboring countries and other powerful nations? How are you balancing that ?

We are transparent about some things. In particular, Nepal has always stood by the non-aligned foreign policy, the United Nations Declaration and the policy of Panchsheel. We do not interfere in the internal affairs of neighboring countries. We respect the security and integrity of any country. Now, looking at it from that point of view, due to the fact that this government has carried out this behavior in a transparent way, both the neighboring countries and other powerful countries are aware of the situation of Nepal . They have respected Nepal's foreign policy. As you can see, the government has not been involved in any diplomatic controversy within a year. The friendship between our neighbors and other countries of the world has increased . International grants have increased. The international community has viewed Nepal positively.

Let's change the context a little, what efforts have been made in terms of rescuing Nepalis who have reached the Russian army?

We are in constant dialogue with Russia. Discussions have been held at various stages. The Russian ambassador in Nepal has come to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs two/three times and explained the situation there. Similarly, the Nepali Embassy in Moscow is also active in this issue. I also discussed with the Assistant Foreign Minister of Russia at a recent summit in Kampala. Some positive progress has been made in that direction. Especially regarding the compensation to be provided to the Nepalese, it has been facilitated through the Nepali Embassy.

They are also positive about the return of interested people from the army . In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 231 Jana's family has informed in writing that their relative is in the army of Russia . Among them, 50/60 people have escaped from the Russian army and returned to Nepal. Some have died in the war . This is the sad part . We do not have any treaty or agreement with Russia on military conscription . Keeping that thing clear, we have told Nepalis not to enlist in the military. Based on personal contacts, it seems that some Nepalis have joined the Russian army. As it is said outside, that number is not seen in thousands . Since 231 families have applied, it is estimated that there should be Nepalis in the Russian army in the same seroforo.

It seems that the debate within the Congress regarding the alliance with the Maoists is raging . Isn't the current government a problem? What is your opinion regarding the alliance?

There is no dispute about the alliance within the party . And, Nepali Congress will fight the next election according to its convenience. Congress is the largest and most complete party in the country. Due to the alliance we made in the last election, we have received a big return. Have come as the largest party in Parliament & Nbsp ;. There are a big party in most states & nbsp;. The same is true at the local level & nbsp;. Allies have an effective achievement in all the Congress to all the rules of government to the alliance due to alliances? Because of this, the endurance of the past alliances is not damaged by it, it has not been damaged in it and nbsp;. In what we can also decide on what to do in the coming days, we can decide during the convention or during the constituency. Now there is no effort to reduce such decisions by being taken into consideration and reduce the options of their own decision and NBSP;. I believe that this alliance will move forward and nbsp;. The alliance is not embarrassed because of the Nepali Congress & Nbsp ;. Even in late day, it will be beneficial for us to all except UML on the UML on the UML day and nbsp;. & Nbsp;

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १२, २०८० १५:२९
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