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CNN Election Debate: More accusations than policy between Biden and Trump

This was the first debate between the President and the former President. Both accused each other of being the worst in history.

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In a heated debate with former US President Donald Trump on Thursday, Democratic leader Joe Biden struggled to confirm that he is not too old for a second term in the White House. During the debate, President Biden seemed very nervous at the beginning of the debate due to accusations of personal insults.

CNN Election Debate: More accusations than policy between Biden and Trump

Trump accused his successor of failing on the economy and on the world stage.

Leader Biden tried to strike back. But his performance faltered as Republican leader Trump made loud and fast accusations including personal insults were wearing .

Biden took a while to respond. The debate performance, which came after spending a week in seclusion to prepare for the

, sparked renewed concern within President Biden's Democratic Party as polls show Trump tied or ahead for the November election.

This was the first debate between the president and the former president and both accused each other of being the worst in history.

Trump and Biden, who was the oldest president when he was first elected, even accused each other of being childish.

81-year-old Biden and 78-year-old Trump did not shake hands at CNN's headquarters in Atlanta. There were no live sources and their microphones were muted when others spoke.

Biden tries to remind millions of television viewers that Trump will be the first convicted felon in the White House Had done . "You have the morals of an 'alley cat,'" Biden said. "I'm friends with a lot of people," Trump, who has worked on

rallies and reality television shows, said loudly, going over a long list of complaints about Biden's record. They cannot believe what has become of the United States . Now we are not respected .'

Trump tried to catch Biden's delivery and satirized the words he spoke during the debate, saying, 'I really didn't understand what he said at the end of the sentence. Perhaps, he also has no idea what he said at the end of that sentence.

slow start

Stopping at a Waffle House restaurant on his way to get food after the debate, Biden told reporters, 'I had a sore throat, but I think we've done well in the first term .'

The White House was clearly in damage control mode during Biden's first term.

Vice President Kamala Harris said in a live interview with CNN that Biden's record was "extraordinarily strong."

Harris said, 'Yes, it was a slow start, but it ended strong.'

Biden's former communications director, Kate Bedingfield, spoke to CNN and said that it was a very disappointing evening for the president.

'I don't think there's any other way to reduce it,' he Said .

According to a CNN poll, 67 percent of debate participants said Trump won the debate.

Democrats are set to formally announce Biden as their nominee in Chicago in August. There is no way to change course unless the President himself withdraws.

Historian Julian Zelizer of Princeton University said that Biden's supporters will be very worried about the presentation of the debate.

Historian Julian Zelizer of Princeton University said that Biden's supporters will be very worried. 'Biden has promoted basic assumptions It's overwhelming him,' he said .

At the 'watch party' held in San Francisco, Hazel Ritz said, 'I can't understand a word he's saying . Isn't it sad?' He still said he would vote for Biden.

purely personal accusations

Neither candidate laid out new policies, with most statements limited to mutual criticism of each other's poor performance.

Biden noted in a personal moment that Trump referred to a soldier killed in the Normandy landings as a "sucker" and referred to his own son Beau, who served in Iraq and later died of cancer.

Biden said, 'My son was not a loser, not even a fool . I'd rather tell you this. You are 'Huruva'.'

Trump denied the comment and accused Biden of being inconsistent.

Biden, who is being criticized by some members of the Democratic Party for supporting Israel in foreign policy, accused him of not supporting Israel in the operation against Hamas.

Former President Trump said, 'Biden doesn't want to do that . He has become like a Palestinian. But they don't like him either because he is a very bad Palestinian . You are weak .'

Trump called Biden's withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan "the most shameful moment in American history" and said it encouraged Russia to attack Ukraine.

Noting that no soldiers were at risk abroad, Biden claimed that he was the first successful president for such a policy.

There was also a dispute between Trump and Biden about abortion and immigration.

Biden criticized Trump in the context of appointing a judge to the Supreme Court and said, 'It's a terrible thing, what you did was a terrible thing.' American citizens will not forget it.' One candidate who failed to meet CNN's 15 percent threshold in four national elections for not appearing on the stage was anti-establishment activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. . Kennedy spent 90 minutes taking questions on the livestream.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १८:३८
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