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Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi becomes the Chief of the Indian Army


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Indian Army Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi is going to be the Chief of Indian Army. Dwivedi, who is currently the Deputy Chief of the Indian Army, has been appointed as the Chief of Army Staff by the Government of India to take charge from June 30.  The current Army Chief General Manoj Pandey is retiring on June 30.

Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi becomes the Chief of the Indian Army

Last month, the Government of India extended the tenure of General Pandey by one month. The tenure of Pandey, who is retiring on May 31, was extended by 1 month and 6 days.

According to the Indian Ministry of Defense , Upendra Dwivedi, who was born in 1964, entered the military service in 1984. He initially served in the Indian Army's Infantry Jammu and Kashmir Rifles . During his 40 years of service, Dwivedi has accumulated experience in various areas of command, staff and training.

Before being appointed as Deputy Chief of Army Staff, Dwivedi He has also led the Northern Command Headquarters. Dwivedi is a high-ranking military officer who played an active role in resolving the border dispute with China recently, according to Indian media.

Similarly, he has a high role in the modernization of the Indian Army. Dwivedi holds an MPhil in Defense and Management and a Masters in Strategic Studies and Military Science. Also, he has studied and trained in various prestigious military colleges of the world.

The Chief of the Indian Army is also the Honorary Commander-in-Chief of the Nepali Army. Since 1950, there has been a historical practice of giving Honorary Maharathi to the army chiefs of both countries in accordance with the mutual cordial relationship between the Nepali Army and the Indian Army.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ३०, २०८१ १२:३१
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