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Chinese People's Congress meeting begins in Beijing, CPPCC continues

लक्ष्मी लम्साल

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The second session of the Fourteenth Chinese National People's Congress (NPC) has started today at the Great Hall of the People. The session started at 9:00 a.m. Beijing time and the government report presented by Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang will be discussed.

Chinese People's Congress meeting begins in Beijing, CPPCC continues

According to the spokesperson of the convention, Lau Chin Chan, the second session of the 14th Chinese National People's Congress, which will last for 7 days, will be concluded on the afternoon of March 11. Chinese media have written that 3 plenary sessions will be held in this session.

Earlier, the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese National People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) has been going on since Monday. As the name suggests, this conference hears various reports and brainstorms suggestions received from the public. This time, its scheduled agendas include reviewing the work report and proposals of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, participating in the second session of the Fourteenth National People's Congress, discussing the government work report and other related reports.

Conference spokesman Liu Chei informed that the political proposal of the second session of the Fourteenth National Committee of the Conference, the proposal on the work report of the Standing Committee, the proposal work report from the first session of the Fourteenth National Committee to the present, the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference will be reviewed and passed. The session will conclude on the morning of March 10. The convention will last for 6 days.

The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the National People's Congress (NPC) which are held once a year are called Liang Hui meaning two sessions in China. These meetings, which are held every year on March 4 and 5, are two major events in Chinese political events.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन २२, २०८० ११:५०
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