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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Robotic surgery for the first time in Nepal


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Dr. who is often seen in the operation theater. This time, Nutan Sharma was looking at the big screen attached to the wall and using something like a gadget in her hand. Suppose she is playing a video game.

Robotic surgery for the first time in Nepal

Dr. who always stands up while operating patients with knives and other similar sharp tools. Sharma was doing the same thing by looking at the screen. And, a robot was doing the surgery on his Isara.

One after the other, she performed three surgeries and the director of Apex Hospital in Mordavad, India, who is supervising all of them. Leena Mehrota clapped her hands enthusiastically as she completed the successful operation.

"This is the greatest achievement of my life and a matter of deep happiness especially" Dr. after robotic surgery. Sharma said, 'Because it is a big leap for the health sector of Nepal.'

According to Niraj Vaidya, Assistant Director of B&B Hospital, the operation was completed using a robot for the first time in Nepal. "This robotic surgery, which is very expensive and takes a lot of time to prepare, is now being used not only for gynecology and obstetrics patients, but also for other diseases," he said, excited about the first successful experiment that took place last Tuesday. .'

dr. According to Vaidya, this achievement has ushered in a new era for Nepal's health sector. The use of robotic technology in surgery is beneficial for both doctors and patients. Sharma said. According to him, the robotic system can perform surgery with more precision without causing a large wound. 'It It reduces the risk of complications and improves the surgical results,' she said, 'In addition, as the robotic surgery is performed with minimal incisions, the patients do not have much pain and the wound and scar are not too much.' She says that since agile work can be done remotely, the possibility of doctors being infected by patients is completely removed, so it is also beneficial for health workers.

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ २२:०२
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