कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Ashok will play the Austrian Open


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Nepal's international taekwondo judge Ashok Khadka will play the role of judge in two different international taekwondo competitions in Europe.

Ashok will play the Austrian Open

Ashok will initially be a referee at the World Ranking G-1 Austrian Open Poomsae Taekwondo in Vienna, Austria. The competition will be held on June 29 and 30. After the

tournament, he will be the judge in the DTU Bodensee Cup in Germany. In the competition to be held on July 6, Ashok will play the role of judge in Gyorogy category. Ashok has gone to Austria on Thursday. He is an international judge of Gyorogi, Poomse and Para Taekwondo.

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ २०:५३
जनताको राय

लामो समयदेखि किसानलाई भुक्तानी नदिएका दूग्ध उद्योगीहरूले उल्टै 'मिल्क होलिडे' को चेतावनी दिएकोबारे तपाईंको भनाई के छ ?
