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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Minister's warning to sports associations: Unpleasant decision should be taken without immediate annual calendar


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Youth and Sports Minister Virajbhakta Shrestha has instructed the sports associations to work by making a calendar immediately.

Minister's warning to sports associations: Unpleasant decision should be taken without immediate annual calendar

At the annual calendar public event of various Sekhalkud associations in Kathmandu on Tuesday, Minister Shrestha has warned the associations that do not publish the annual calendar to make the calendar public immediately and if they do not make the calendar, they will be forced to take unpleasant decisions.

Minister Shrestha also said that if the sports associations do not hold the games, there is no need to hang on like a key. He said that sports should not be held hostage by any association.

It is said that the number of associations has increased from 27 to 41. Our serious attention is drawn to those associations that do not give their programs. If that union does not program, I want to alert you now, an unpleasant decision will have to be made . We don't want an association that doesn't do the program by only taking what the law says and the association. Minister Shrestha said, 'If the rest of the associations have some technical errors in the sports council, the sports council wants to facilitate it as soon as possible . No association can hold the sport hostage by pretending that there is no technical problem and that the key to the game has been filled . If the associations have not issued a calendar, please do so as soon as possible. When watching the game in a public place, all friends watch responsibly.'

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २२, २०८१ १८:४४
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