कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६६

The title of 'Doko Carry Run' goes to Karki

आनन्द गौतम

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Chhatra Karki of Phungling-9 Hangdeva has won the title of the 'Doco Carry Run' competition held at the headquarters Fungling.

The title of 'Doko Carry Run' goes to Karki

Karki won the title in the competition organized on the occasion of Taplejung Tourism Festival-2081 by crossing the prescribed distance in one hour and 15 minutes. He won 30,000 cash.

Pathibhara Temple near Suketar Airport was returned from Fungling. According to the organizer, this distance is 16 kilometers.

Vishal Rai of Fidim Municipality 14 Panchthar was second and Mingma Sherpa of Mikvakhola Rural Municipality 3 Taplejung was third. Rai covered the prescribed distance in 1 hour and 19 seconds while Mingma covered the distance in 1 hour and 20 seconds. They were dug up by carrying 15 kilos of sand on their heads. 2nd and 3rd place got 20 and 10 thousand rupees. The festival is being held with the slogan 'Encouraging the local organic fair festival, promotion and observation of the tourist spots of Taplejung'. There were 18 participants in the

competition. This competition has been running for the past three years in Taplejung.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ६, २०८१ १७:३६
जनताको राय

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