कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६६

Ganeshman Singh in National Boxing Chait


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The sixth edition of Bir Ganeshman Singh National Boxing Tournament is going to be held from Chait 13 under the joint initiative of Bir Ganeshman Singh Sports Committee and Nepal Boxing Federation under Bir Ganeshman Singh Foundation.

Ganeshman Singh in National Boxing Chait

Sanjiv Tuladhar, coordinator of the organizing committee, informed in a press conference on Tuesday that the competition will be held in 7 weight groups for men and 6 for women. Around 150 players from all seven provinces including three departmental teams Police, Army and APF will participate.

The first prize of 25,000, the second prize of 15,000, and the third prize of 7,500 rupees will be awarded to the first prize of each competition. The best male and female players will also be awarded. According to the organizer, about 55 lakh rupees will be spent to organize the

competition. The National Sports Council (Rakhep) will support 5 million in that. The five-day tournament will be played at Rakhep Covered Hall in Tripureshwar.

Boxing Federation President Ram Awale expressed his belief that everyone will have support and cooperation to make the tournament a success. On the same occasion, it was informed that the 4th Veer Ganeshman Singh 10 km race will be held on Baisakh 15 in the organization of the committee.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १५, २०८० २२:४६
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